Celts regarded graves as holy places and believed in the otherworld - Tir na Og - therefore Patrick able to incorporate Christian teaching of venerating dead, blessing of graves, eternal life etc
Sacred wells - Water
Celts had sanctuaries associated with rivers, springs and wells - life-giving, associated with fertility, motherhood, strength and purification: adapted by Patrick to the Christian teaching on baptism - symbol of healing and purification, holy wells incorporated into Christianity e.g St Columb's well
Festivals - Christian Calendar
Four main festivals marked the Celtic Year easily adapted to the Christian calendar - Samhain is Christian All Soul's Day, Imbolc is Christian St Brigid's Day, Bealtine is the Month of Mary and Lughnasa relates to the Christian Croagh Patrick
Patrick entirely rejected certain aspects of culture e.g idols - made every effort during mission to stamp these practices out, adapting sun worship to worship the true Son etc
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