The Making of a Superpower: USA 1865-1975 (Year 12)

  • Created by: Emthegem
  • Created on: 27-03-18 21:06

The US Political and Economic Situation (1865)

The previous differences between the North and the South were the reason for the Civil War.

The USA had a federal system of government, meaning there was both a central system of government and a state government which had different levels of power.

The Republicans favoured wealth, business, and recorded government role. The Democrats had a wider support base and were more in favour of government involvement.

The Constitution's system of 'checks and balances' meant it was very difficult for one party to control the presidency, Senate, House of Representatives and the Supreme Court together.

The country had enormous reserves of fertile land, timber ad minerals, as well as lots of rivers.

The USA had also developed a sound transport infrastructure and was on the verge of an inddustrial revolution, with important advancess in textiles, coal, iron and steel, as well as the use of steam power.

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The US Political and Economic Situation (1865)

The previous differences between the North and the South were the reason for the Civil War.

The USA had a federal system of government, meaning there was both a central system of government and a state government which had different levels of power.

The Republicans favoured wealth, business, and recorded government role. The Democrats had a wider support base and were more in favour of government involvement.

The Constitution's system of 'checks and balances' meant it was very difficult for one party to control the presidency, Senate, House of Representatives and the Supreme Court together.

The country had enormous reserves of fertile land, timber ad minerals, as well as lots of rivers.

The USA had also developed a sound transport infrastructure and was on the verge of an inddustrial revolution, with important advancess in textiles, coal, iron and steel, as well as the use of steam power.

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