The nature and variety of living organisms 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCells, tissues and organsIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Twoodl31Created on: 22-10-17 18:34 1a) Characteristics of living organisms Characteristics of living organisms include; Movement Respitation Sensitivity Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition Control 1 of 4 1b) Variety of living organisms Part 1 Plant: (maize or beans) Multicellular organisms Cells contain chloroplasts and are able to carry out photosynthesis Cells have cellulose cell walls They store carbohydrates as starch or sucrose. Animals: (humans and houseflys) Multicellular organisms Cells do not contain chloroplasts and are not able to carry out photosynthesis Cells have no cell walls They have a nervous system They often store carbohydrate as glycogen 2 of 4 1b) Variety of living organisms Part 2 Fungi: (Mucor and Yeast) They are saprophytic and feed by excreting digestive enzymes onto food and absorbing the digested products Cells do not contain chloroplasts and are not able to carryout photosynthesis Cells are joined together to form threads, called hyphae. Hyphae contain many nuclei, because they are made from many cells. Cell walls are made from chitin (a protein) They store carbohydrates as glycogen. Bacteria:(Lactobacillius bulgaricus) Made from single cells Cells do not contain a nucleus, but have a small piece of circular DNA instead (a bacterial chromosome). Some bacteria can carry out rudimentary photosynthesis, but most are saprophytes 3 of 4 1b) Variety of living organisms Part 3 Viruses: (Mucor and Yeast) Much smaller than bacteria. They are not made from cells Totally parasitic and reproduce inside host cells. They infect every type of living cell They have the structure below (learn it, it comes up!) 4 of 4
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