The enhanced role of the federal government saw it take increasing responsibility.
The new deal Represented a sign of a growing maturity of the America nation.
it also had a break with Laissez- Faire policies of the 19th century and the 1920s
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Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. & William Leuchtenburg
The new deal represented a compassionate response to crisis.
Leuchtenburg: The New Deal created a more just society by recognising previously marginalised groups like organised labour.
The probelms of America were only paritally addressed.
·Groups such as slum dwellers, share-croppers (the poorest farmers who rented their land from larger landowners) & African Americans still felt a sense of exclusion.
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The ‘New Left’ (1960’s): Paul Conkin, Barton J. B
It was a wasted opportunity for a radical change.
Piecemeal solutions enabled capitalism to prevail
. ·Conkin: The New Deal should have improved social justice & produced a more contented population.
·Bernstein: The New Deal failed to solve the depression & did not redistribute wealth or improve the lot of America’s poor.
·The New Deal never consulted the people about what they wanted or needed.
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Milton Friedman (1970s/80s)
it Set USA upon the wrong course encouraging government spending and welfare state
It encouraged people to rely on the federal government which stoped entrepreneurial creativity.
·The election of Ronald Regan in 1980 was a turning point in reversing the New Deal’s policy of government responsibility for the people.
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William Leuchtenburg (writing since the ‘New Left’
·The New Deal achieved a lot in the field of expanding federal government power.
·The expansion of federal power has largely remained permanent.
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David Kennedy (1990s)
it did not manage to achieve fundamental changes to the America economy such as redidusrting national wealth or ending capitalism.
it did achieve a great deal in other way , reforming the economy so that more could benefit from the wealth.
·The achievements of the New Deal included the following
-Recognition of organised labour (trade union recognition).
-Better regulation of abuses in the economic system.
-Greater financial security (e.g. the introduction of old age pensions).
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