Calvinism was a development of Lutheranism. It doesn't follow exactly Calvin's writings, but is a development of it. Calvinist Churches were very plain with no decorations, and maybe a few stained glass windows with coats of arms of saints and local families on them. The Word of God was placed on the walls rather than in images.
- Total depravity: Understanding our total depravity (sinfulness) is essential to fully appreciate God's grace in rescuing sinners from the punishment they deserve.
- Unconditional Election: God rescues sinners entirely due to His own will and good pleasure. God saves according to His grace, it's nothing to do with our actions.
- Limited atonement: Jesus' death on the cross only made salvation definite for the elect, no body else.
- Irresistable grace: All who are called by God to believe in Jesus will be saved.
- Perseverance on the Saints: Once a person is truly saved, this salvation is eternally secure.
There are 2 cultural implications of TULIP. These are the 'Elect' and the 'Reprobate'. The Elect are always the minority and have a constant feeling of being besieged by the majority. The reprobate are the vast majority of people who have been predestined by God not to be saved. The Elect can recognise the Reprobate because of their behaviour and demeanor, and their wilful rejection of godliness.