The Second Red Scare 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryAmerica - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: _awesome_ECreated on: 11-05-16 14:43 The Second Red Scare 1947- 1953 Why was there a 'Second Red Scare'? Traditional intolerance- Chafe Reaction to the New Deal Onset of Cold War Internal Suspicions Role of Individuals Psychological impact of post-war changes 1 of 6 Traditional Intolerance Same as first red scare Chafe 'Seasonal Allergies' Links with Pshychological Impact 2 of 6 Psychological Impact Rapid and Social Change ConsumerismBirth of civil rightsFemale emansipationSuburbsNuclear weaponryTechnological advancement 3 of 6 Reation to the New Deal People saw it as communist, people were opposed to it Wagner act, Social security, TVA, 4 of 6 Internal Suspicions There were those in the US who wanted to bring it do 'Reds under the beds' 5 of 6 Individuals McCarthy Witchhunts 6 of 6
What were the similarities and differences between the impacts of the Korean War and the Vietnam War on the presidency? 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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