The UK Constitution
- Created by: Molly Spicer-Jones
- Created on: 13-03-16 12:07
Why does the UK need a Constitution?
- solution to power problems (power tends to be corrupt, so we need to be protected from those in power)
- without one the government could do whatever they want - oppressing minorities, violating freedom, tyrannising mass of people
Features of the UK Constitution
Parliamentary Sovereignty: Sovereignty = supreme, unrestricted power; in this case, the absolute and unlimited authority of Parliament which can, in theory, make, repeal or amend any law
Uncodified: Not confined to one document
Unitary: ultimate power lies with a central body we sovereign; the opposite is a federal government (as seen in the US)
Fusion of Power: this is where the executive and the legislature branches of government intermingle
Flexible: Changes can take place without lengthy specialist procedure; the opposite is rigid
Features of a Codified Constitution
- Authoritive
- Entrenched
- Judicable
- "Higher Law" - binds all political institutions
- Diffucult to abolish
- Judiciary can declare when something is / isn`t constitutional
Pros and Cons of a Codified Constitution
- Government kept in check (answerable to the judiciary)
- changing constitutional law is a complex procedure
- can provide people with something they can identify with
- provides security / protects rights
- organised (single source)
- neutral interpretation
- education / citizenship
- Rigid - changing it is complex / diffucult
- government has limited power (answers to "higher law)
- changing consitiution to fit with modern society takes a long time
- Political Bias
- Unnecassary
- Judicial Tyranny
Features of an Uncodified Constitution
- Not authoritive
- Not entrenched
- Not judicible
- Constitutional and ordinary laws are of the same status
- Can be changed through normal process for enacting statute law
- Judges don`t have a legal standard against which things can be declared unconstitutional
Pros and Cons of an Uncodified Constitution
- Constitution can be easily changed
- Law = more efficient and flexible
- Parliament can make, unmake and amend any law it wishes, including the laws that affect the consitution
- Judges can declare the actions of other bodies un/constitutional - more open to corruption
- Not really clear
- Can also limit personal freedom
- Less security than written constitution
Should the UK have a codified constitution? Part 1
We should:
- Will be in 1 place
- Would remove uncertainty about specific roles (monarchy)
- some say the current process is outdated
- Constrain executive dominance
- No seperation of power
- Could protect judiciary independence
- Key laws would be firmly established
- would be easier for courts to interpret what behaviour is lawful
- establish clearer values and structure of political system
- would prevent a constitutional crisis (e.g. hung parliament)
Should the UK have a codified constitution? Part 2
We Shouldn`t:
- Higher power would have more decision making right than the government
- With a constitution there is a lengthy process to change it (referendums)
- People misinterpret it causing corruption
- We`ve survived without one
- It hasn`t worked effectively in other countries
- Our "Westminster Model" claims this is not how we should work
- The current system works well, providing stability, liberty and reflects British values
- We have a strong and effective government without one
- Hard to find a constitution to suit everyone
- A written constitution doesn`t guarentee people`s rights (US, Zimbabwe and Russia)
Sources of the UK constitution Part 1
Statute Law;
- single most important source
- Acts of Parliament (made by Parliament)
- Laws affecting powers / responsibilities of government or rights / freedom of people
- Prevails if it conflicts with a convention / common law
- More and more constitutional rules now have statutory basis
- Key unwritten element
- Non-legal and often lack clear, unambiguous definition - collective responsibilities of cabinet
- regularly observed practises can be ignored but are upheld to make politics workable
Royal Prerogative:
- Formal powers of the Crown which are performed by the PM and the executive branch of government
Sources of the UK constitution Part 2
Common Law:
- Refers to a body of laws based on tradition, custom and precedent - also known as case law
- formed on basis of precedents set in previous cases - most civil rights laws begin this way
- sometimes viewed as judge made law
- created / refined on case-by-case basis in courts
Major Works of Authority and Constitutional Documents:
- Consult authors deemed as experts on some constitutional issues - interpret what it actually means
- many gaps in the constitution and incertain about how rules / principles should be applied
- not legally enforcable - they are only consulted so don`t have to always be followed / are only sometimes followed. thier status is up for debate
Sources of the UK constitution Part 3
EU Law:
- Joined the EU in 1973 and must now incorporate EU laws and treaties into domestic laws
- Process of European integration has increased, making the EU more important
- EU law has a higher status than Statute law (in particular with regards to social and economic legislation)
- Form a significant addition of the constitution
- Statute = Representation of Peoples Act 1918, 1928, 1969
- Convention = House of Commons
- EU = recent events
- Major Works of Authority and Constitutional Documents = Magna Carta (1215), Bill of Rights (1869)
Sovereignty within the UK
Executive derived from the legislature:
- executive derived from, and can be removed by, the legislature
- opposite of US presidential system - strict separation of powers between the executive and the legislature
Fusion of Powers:
- ministers heading the executive also sit as part of the legislature at the same time
- until 2003 Lod Chancellor sat in all three branches, but this was changed under Labour`s programme of reform
Parliamentary Sovereingty:
- the three branches of government are unequal (the legislature is supreme)
- government ministers accountable to parliament which is supreme (unlike in the USA)
Sovereignty within the UK Part 2
Unitary System:
- All power is concentrated in a single national institution (Parliament)
- all local / devolved government power exists only at the pleasure of national government - powers devolved into regions can be withdrawn (in reality - unlikely to happen)
Centralisation and Decentralisation:
- Centralisation - act of consolidating power under central contol
- Decentralisation - spread of power away from the centre to local branches / government
- unitary government - centralised
- modifications - devolution and considering giving power to regional assemblies
Parliamentary Sovereignty
- doubts about accuracy and continuing relevance
3 alternatives:
- Political Sovereignty
- Popular Sovereignty
- Legal Sovereignty
Political Sovereignty:
- Parliament has not, and has never been politically sovereign. it doesn`t always have the power to do something due to consequences (for example - mass protests and public rebellion)
Constraints of Parliamentary Sovereignty:
- Pressure groups and public opinion
- international opinion (USA and EU)
- policies of international bodies (UN)
Parliamentary Sovereignty Part 2
Popular Sovereignty:
- principle that supreme authority is vested in the people directly rather than in a representative institution
- there has been a shift from parliamentary sovereignty to popular sovereignty (e.g. elected devolved assemblies, Human Rights Act)
Legal Sovereignty:
- Parliament may no longer be legally sovereign
- as a result of EU membership (EU law precedes statute law)
- also implied by the idea that devolution has resulted in quasi-federalism reflected in the reluctance of parliament to challenge decisions made be devolved bodies
Should Parliament be Sovereign?
- key to British liberal-democratic system (democratic representation)
- provides uniformity to law, tax and education
- Parliament still has the power to leave the EU and take back any lost powers
- Unites the electorate on election day
- House of Commons = bigger / has more authority to make laws
- Parliament is no longer supreme law making body (EU law)
- Political = more morally justifiable
- external matters take control from Parliament
- referendums undermine sovereignty
- parliamentary power = limited
- popular sovereignty has more power
Principles of the UK Constitution
Parliamentary Sovereignty:
- Sovereignty = "Crown in Parliament"
- Form of legal sovereignty (make / unmake / repeal any law)
Rule of Law:
- traditionally seen as the alternative to a codified constitution - showing that, even in th absence of higher law, government is still subject to legal checks and constraints
- In short, government is not above the law
Parliamentary Government:
- UK constitutional structure based on a fusion of powers between Parliament and the executive
- Government / Parliament overlap / interlock
- Government, in effect, governs in and through Parliament
Principles of the UK Constitution Part 2
Constitutional Monarchy:
- monarchy remains constitutionally significant body within the UK
- `dignified` institution and still plays a vital role even if there is no meaningful political power
- role = promote popular allegiance and serve as a symbol of political unity above party policy
- monarch = right to be informed, consult, warn and encourage
EU Membership:
- membership of the EU has major implications on the constitution (on the role / significance of Parliament in making laws)
- sovereignty now bes understood as "parliamentary sovereignty within the context of EU membership"
Does the constitution need reform?
Why reform?
- fears about parliamentary sovereignty and the impact of EU membership
- corruption and sleaze associated with the House of Commons
- fairness of the electoral system
- future of the House of Lords
- erosion of civil liberties
- increased number of unelected quangos
How is the constitution reformed?
- Cabinet and Parliamentary Committees
- Referendums
- investigatory Commission
- Act of Parliament
- EU law
How should the constitution be reformed?
Charter 88:
- written constitution
- elected second chamber (House of Lords)
- bill of rights
- reformed judiciary
- traditionalists
- 1997 manifesto - "strength and stability of Constitution - the institutions, laws and traditions that bind us together as a nation"
- see danger in tampering with the constitution
How should the constitution be reformed? Part 2
Norton and Adonis:
- Norton - "strengthen existing framework, not destroy it"
- strenghtening of parliament
- abolishing / reducing quangos
- devolving power to local level
- Adonis - "Incremental reform to adapt Britain`s governing institutions to the times"
- labour and liberal democrat working party discussed reform prior to 1997 General Election
- Labour - government is "centralised, inefficient and bureaucratic"
- Liberal Democrat - beleived in electoral reform and proportional representation
How successful has reform since 1997 been?
- greater clarity of rights (HRA) / rights are protected by government (government = more accountable)
- House of Lords Reforms - more legitimate / have more power within the law making process (which is now more robust in the form of checks and balances)
- devolution is more democratic / people can get involved regionally
- Changes to the House of Commons have been limited
- HRA fails to deal with the problems of central government having too much power (still relatively centralised)
- reforms were individual solutions to particular problems
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