- the rump stayed in power as new elections would produce a royalist majority. appointed council of state. Rump wanted stability and to calm conservative fears, to gain legitimancy, army wanted social transformation and toleration, law reform, less death penalties, godly reformation. Only minority in the country supported rump, levellers not happy. Needed army support to stay in power and needed support from upper classes. army expensive to keep and were too radical so stopped upper class support. Leveller leaders arrested to gain support from gentry 1649.
- Parliament's enemies: people who have to pay excise taxes, huge! traditional gentry who are afraid of religious change and levellers. Charles II scotland and ireland, irish pacification 1649 hugely brutal. Catholic europe, Bishops, Majority of ex-mps. Bad harvests 1649, army interference in politics was hugely resented and people didnt like army being involved with religious radicals as threatened stability. Ranters- sin only existed in the mind, diggers claimed communal use of land as made by god for all humanity to share fifth monarchists no human gov anarchists. Royalists support growing as Charles died with courage and dignity, propaganda (martyr).
- Rump wanted religious toleration but needed authority if confidence in higher classes was to be restored, they wanted order and establishement in the church. Law reform and daily maintenance of gov was too heavy workload for rump and army wanted to see progress. Weren't legitiment due Prides purge.
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