However, childhood experience has NOT been a positive experience for everyone equally. This is linked to CLASS and ETHNICITY.
For example, children from middle-class families are seen to be more child-centered because they can afford more things for their children i.e. clothing, private tutors, etc so this positively benefits the child.
Working class families cannot supply much material sources for their children. They are more likley to suffer from ILLNESSES and be HYPERACTIVE because they have a poor diet and nutrition that lacks in vitamins. This also means that they may take days of school and so underachieve.
Poor mothers also may give money to low weight babies and this negatively affects them because they can suffer from intellectual problems later.
Ethnicity: Brenner looked at 15- 16 years old and found that Asian parents were more stricter with their children and were more likely to use punishments againts them if they did not listen or behave
This shows that not all children experienced positive childhood experiences but it is linked to social class and ethnicity
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