Richard Nixon (43.4%), Hubert Humphrey (42.7%), George Wallace (13.5%)
Why did Nixon win? Failing of the Democrats: Johnson and the Vietnam War, 30th Jan 1968 - Tet Offensive. Saigon (capital) attacked US Embassy to show who has the most control, Johnson became so unpopular. "Never overpromise and underdeliver" -> lots of money on military, inflation: 1961 - 1.3% ; 1968: 4.4%, year of economic crisis. Humphrey was unpopular because he wanted to see out war/"another johnson" was the VP. Chicago National Convention: tens of thousands of Vietnam War protesters battle police in the streets, while the Democratic Party falls apart over an internal disagreement concerning its stance on Vietnam.
> Republican Campaign: Middle America/Law and Order/Southern Strategy/Spiro Agnew(VP - wasnt well known) Nixon supported limiting federal government intrusion into their region’s affairs after Johnson passing the act for blacks to vote in South(1965). He assured them his administration would not “ram anything down your throats,” opposed school busing, promised to appoint “strict constructionists” to the Supreme Court, and opposed federal intervention in local school affairs
> Wallace: pushed Nixon to the right/RACIST, Curtis LeMay unpopular(bomb Vietnam) PRO-WAR "outniggered"
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