The Future Tense:

The conjugation of the future indicative tense in Spanish is easiest of all the conjugations. It is the same for all three types of verbs (-ar, -er and -ir), and the ending is attached to the infinitive instead of a verb stem. Furthermore, there are few verbs that are irregular in the future tense, and those that are are still recognizable.


The Future Tense:

This tense is formed by adding:

  • é
  • ás
  • á
  • emos
  • éis
  • án

to the end of the infinitive. Most of the verbs that are irregular in the future tense modify the stem but leave the endings the same as above.

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Uses of the Future Tense:

The future tense is often used in discussing things that will happen. It frequently becomes the equivalent of the English "will" followed by the verb:

  • Tendré tres hijos.

I will have three children. 

  • Nadará mañana.

She will swim tomorrow.

But, the future tense is not used to express a willingness to do something. For this, use the verb "querer":

  • ¿Quieres ir a la tienda?
Will you go to the store?
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The Conditional Perfect Cont.:

For actions that will occur in the near future, the present tense is more commonly used:

  • Esta noche voy al cine.

Tonight I'm going to the movies.

Further in the future, use the future tense:

  • El año que viene iré a España.

Next year I'm going to Spain.

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Uses of the Future Tense Cont. 2:

The future tense of Spanish also has two other common uses: The "suppositional future" — The future tense can be used to indicate likelihood or probability. The translation will depend on the context; in question form, it can indicate uncertainty:

  • Serán las nueve.

It's probably 9 o'clock.

  • Tendrás hambre.

You must be hungry.

  • ¿Qué horas serán?

I wonder what time it is.

  • Estará enferma.

She's most likely sick.

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Uses of the Future Tense Cont. 3:

Emphatic command — As in English, the future tense can be used to indicate an intense demand:

  • Comerás la espinaca.

You WILL eat the spinach. 

  • Saldrás a las nueve.

You WILL leave at 9.

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