The Making of the Revolution 1881-1905
- Created by: Ellie
- Created on: 28-03-14 15:38
problems facing Alexander III
- keeping large multi-ethnic empire together
- maintain supreme political power - difficult because Alex II started reforms which raised expectations of change (after emancipation of Serfs people expected more reform)
- pressure to reform - like western powers - sharing power with gov
- pressure from Slavophiles to remain autocratic and dominated by Russians
- radicals wanted to end Tsarism - 'People's Will' was formed in 1879 for this purpose - many Tsarist officials were assassinated and many attempts to assassinate Tsar - one in 1887 - group of students - Alexander Ulyanov hanged (made bomb)
- moderates wanted reform - including liberals - wanted to allow freedom of the Press and a national parliament elected by educated and wealthy
- extremists wanted reform - inc. People's Will - others wanted political and economic power handed to the peasants
Political Repression
- those who wanted political reform were repressed - Tsar appointed Conservative reactionary ministers - Pobedonostev and Tolstoy
- Pobedonostev was PM and persuaded Alex to govern with advice from small no. of conservative ministers - supported repression but wanted to turn Russia into a police state
- Okhrana set up to deal with opposition
- composition of Zemstva changed - reduced peasant representation and landowners dominated
- people who could vote were restricted to those owning property above certain value
- uni's supervised and liberal teachers dismissed
- secondary schooling denied to working class and peasants
- police used torture, execution and exile to siberia to reduce number of revolutionaries
- strict policy of russification (c.55% of Russia were nationalities)
- 'one Tsar, one church, one state'
- Press freedom restricted
Alex III died naturally and throne passed to son Nicholas II
Nicholas II 1894 - 1917
- shy, indecisive, weak, uninterested in gov affairs, dominated by wife Tsarina Alexandra
- tutored by Pobedonostev - therefore conservative by education - determined to maintain Tsarist autocracy
- Alexandra urged Nicholas to be strong like his father
Agriculture problems:
- low bread prices to help industry - difficult for peasants
- bad harvests were frequent
- gov tried to improve land problem by giving land bank funds and land reserves fro former state lands
- gov exploited land reserves by encouraging settlement on virgin land in east
- Russian land provided less food per acre than Brit or USA
- traditional attitudes of Mirs counteracted gov initiative
The Great Spurt - Witte 1892-1903
- Witte = Finance Minister
- Aim = make the Russian economy strong enough to maintain power
- Russian economy --> no sufficient funds to invest in industrial development
- 'Witte System' --> economic development = sponsored & directed by gov
- extra taxes imposed on over-taxed peasantry = deep resentment
- economic development financed from abroad - France, Belgium and Britain
- Trans-Siberian Railway - 7000km across Empire from st Pet to Vladivostock --> provided communication systems to exploit the economic potential of Siberia
- coal, iron and oil production rose
- Trans Siberian railway helped development of Russian influence in Far East
- large cities grew at large rate (population of st Pet doubled between 1890-1914 from 1 million to 2 million)
- Russia exploited Siberias natural resources
- military power developed
- Russia still lagged behind other Great Powers
- poor conditions for workers
radicals: social revolutionary party (SR's)
- largest and most dangerous socialist group - founded in 1901
- 'the party of the peasants' agrarian reformers and populists
- many policies that broadened membership which was partly urban
- central belief = redistribution of agricultural land to the peasants on the basis of how much each could profitably use
- leaders: Gershumi, Goetz, Breshko, Breskovsky and Chernov
- robbed banks to fund terror campaigns
- took orders from Central Committee
At 1st Party Congress meeting announced the following programme:
1) fall of monarchy would lead to socialism because Russian capitalism was so weak - party would cooperate with liberal middle class
2) peasants = most important class and land should be redistributed - taken from landowners and given to them
3) against centralisation and bureaucracy - wanted nothing to do with state socialism
4) believed in efficiency of political terror and propaganda
radicals: social democrat party
- looked west, to the radical ideas of Marxism
- for marxism to succeed, industrial development was essential
- socialist revolution not possible during social and economic conditions - still didn't have majority population industrial workers
- wanted 'dictatorship of the proletariat' in which the bourgeoisie and all other classes would be destroyed
- 'from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs'
- believed urban proletariat would lead revolution as peasantry were unable
- party leaders arrested by ohkrana but continued party in exile
- split in opinion when discussing party membership: menshoviks and bolsheviks
Mensheviks vs. Bolsheviks
- 'majority men' - were actually a minority
- regarded as most dangerous by the ohkrana
- revolution - time wasn't right for revolution - not enough working class and economic conditions weren't right - wanted to prepare for future revolution
- membership - open membership to as many as possible
- decision making - democractically by members after open debate
- role of party - educate workers for future role, work with other revolutionary groups
Bolsheviks: Lenin
- revolution: a dedicated party of revolutionaries could lead small working class to power - proletariat and bourgeousie combined to hasten revolution
- membership: wanted dedicated revolutionaries
- decision making: leaders made decisions and members should accept them
- role of party: party should be front line of the revolution, shouldn't work with other groups as they would undermine the revolution
development of Russian Liberalism
Zemstva: beginnings of liberalism - 1st political organisation that contained elected officials - wanted a national organisation for the zemstva - Shipov (chairman of Moscow zemstva) in charge of this - he persuaded the Interior Minister to create zemstva across western Russia
Union of Liberation: some Russia liberal exiles created a newspaper called 'liberation' supporting constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament - these liberal exiles formed the 'Union of Liberation'
Octoberists: group of liberals who believed that the October Manifesto provided best settlement for Russia's constitutional development, and from 1905 they were supporters of Tsar Nicholas II
Kadets: (constitutional democrats) - radical group - saw the October Manifesto as a beginning rather than end of political reform - they believed a truly parliamentary system of gov based on a democatic franchise would help deal with social and economic problems facing Russia
Causes of 1905 revolution
- considerable resentment to the social, economic and political situation
social and economic:
- size of peasant landholdings fell as population increased - tried to get land for everyone
- 1892, 1898, 1905 - harvest failures = famine
- peasants attacked gov officials and documents that said they had to pay rents on land
- Witte - industrialising too quickly - peasants moved to towns - poor living and working conditions
- pressure from liberals to reform gov
- SR's - willing to use violence to achieve aim of power to the peasants - assassinated many including Interior Minister Plehve and Tsar's uncle Grand Duke Sergei
- SD's - most radical - many leaders came out of exile once bloody sunday occured - wanted to use widespread unrest to force political change
immediate causes of 1905 revolution
Russo - Japanese War:
- Russia wanted to expand empire to far east and came into direct conflict with expansionist power, Japan
- Russia and Japan went to war over control of Northern China and Korea
- Russia saw themself as far superior power but suffered humiliating defeat
- 1905 - Russians forced to surrender their Port Arthur naval base in North China
- following months - Japanese forces defeated Russian army in Manchuria
- national humiliation - defeat at Battle of Tsushima - lost 25 out of 35 warships in defeat against Japanese navy
Bloody Sunday:
- demonstration had been peaceful and led by Father Gapon
- demonstrators who survived were expelled from st Pet - helped to spread news of massacre and spark sympathy strikes
- destroyed many peoples trust in the Tsar - no longer 'Little Father'
development of 1905 revolution
- STRIKES: by feb 1905- 400,000 workers striking in response to bloody sunday, end of 1905 - 2.7 million workers striking, strikes organised by workers, strikers set up worker's soviets to organise striking (worker's councils) - most successful general strike in Russian history - whole country was paralysed - railway workers striked causing gov to be seriously threatened as railways were crucial for moving troops to cities to diffuse unrest
- PEASANT UPRISINGS: (jacqueries) - faced with poor harvests and high taxes - most of european Russia had been affected by peasant uprisings by the end of the year
- MUTINIES: battleship Potemkin - crew killed some officers, took control of ship, bombarded Black Sea port Odessa and then went to neutral country Romania - mutinies recieved publicity and helped undermine Tsar's authority - however the army didn't turn against Tsarist regime
- ST PET SOVIET: assembly of workers - groups of workers elected representatives to the Soviet - had over 400 members representing 96 factories - leading figure = Leon Trotsky - most of its work included making sure strikers got food - soviet got closed down when leaders were arrested but showed workers what they were capable of organising
- ARMED UPRISING: general strike turned into armed uprising against police and troops - many died and left city in ruins - Bolsheviks surrendered = revolution over
- GOV REACTION: october manifesto - promised reforms - proposed elected national parliament - also proposed freedom of speech, religion and civil rights - split revolutionary groups (SR's and SD's wanted more social and economic reform)
why did revolution fail?
Loyalty of armed forces:
- army stayed loyal to Tsar and arrested many revolutionaries
- most leaders were exiled or executed, Trotsky and Lenin fled the country
- pro-gov terrorist groups - e.g. Black Hundreds - hunted down and executed thousands or known reformers
Lack of unity amongst revolutionaries:
- spontenaity of revolutionary outbreaks meant that the armed forces, police and Black Hundreds could suppress them one at a time
- revolutionaries had different aims - fought amongst themselves as well as opposing gov
Splitting the opposition:
- october manifesto split opposition
consequences of the 1905 revolution
The Fundamental Law 1906:
- issued by Tsar
- creation of national parliament with Lower House (Duma) being elected
- Upper House - council of State - partly elected and partly nominated by Tsar
- Tsar had the right to govern by decree, thereby ignoring parliament
- Tsar still had considerable political power and his changes fell short of demands of most revolutionaries
The Dumas:
- first duma elected 1906 - contained many reformers
- only lasted 73 days before Tsar dissolved it
- 2nd Duma - feb 1907 - also contained reformers - displeased Tsar and chief minister Stolypin
- 3rd Duma - nov 1907 - much more restricted (only wealthy could vote - excluded most of reformers supporters) - Tsar faced little demand for reform by first national parliament 1907-1912
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