The Reign of Alexander II 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryASAQA Created by: Beth EvansCreated on: 20-01-13 15:50 Beginning Born: 17th April 1818, Moscow Was educated and military experienced Became Tzar in 1855 At the time Russia was in Crimean War which ended in 1856 due to Treaty of Paris War made Alex realise Russia was no longer great military power Serfdom economy couldn't compete with industrialised nations e.g. Britain Alex considered the end of Serfdom Nobility objected but Alex said: 'Better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait for time it abolishes itself from below' 1861: Emancipation Manifesto proposed 17 legislation acts to free serfs This allowed serfs to buy land 49 Annual sums (Redemption Payments) were paid by peasants 1864: Districts set up Zemstvo which were local councils with the power to provide roads, schools and medical services The right to elect members was restricted to the wealthy Alex introduced: improved municipal government (1870) and Universal military training (1874) 1 of 3 Reforms Expansion of industry and railways was encouraged Reforms didn't satify liberals or radicalists Agriculteral reforms were disappointing as took peasants over 20 years to gain land 1876: Reformers formed 'Land and Liberty' 14th April 1879: Alexander Soloview tried to kill Alexander II but failed Six military governor generals were hired imposing censorship system Radical books were banned and reformers were arrested October 1879: Land and Liberty split into People's Will and other fraction The People's Will would call off terror campaign if granted constitution for free elections and end to censorship 25th February 1880: Alex considers it and released political prisoners Loris Melikof (Minister of the Interior) had to devise the constitution Russia Police established special section: Okhrana 2 of 3 Assassination January 1881: Melikof's ideas were shown Expansion of powers of Zemstvo allowing it to send delegates to national assembly It would also have power to initiate legislation: Alexander worried this would be too much power The People's Will became angry 1st March 1881: Alexander was assassinated by the People's Will They threw a bomb at him which he was travelling to the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg 3 of 3