The Munich Beer Hall Putsch This was an event organised by Adolf Hitler in 1923. 200 Nazis tried to overthrow the crisis-stricken Weimar Republic. They were quickly quashed and Hitler was arrested. During his 6 month prison spell, he wrote his controversial book Mein Kampf.
The Ruhr Crisis Germany's industrial heartland was occupied by French and Belgium troops due to the non-payment of reparations. As Germany had no military power, the workers were told to go on strike so the French would have to transport all goods themselves. This meant Germany was producing no profits to pay workers so they printed more money leading to....
Hyper-Inflation This was caused by Germany's money printing but the inflation got out of hand and it went up by 1000s of %. Wages were paid in wheelbarrows. The money printing was done in billions of Reichmarks instead of single Reichmarks. The elderly/retired/disabled were in trouble because they weren't earning money, the middle class and upper class also lost faith in the Weimar Republic. However, Germany was able to pay off all of its interior debts.
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