The Rise of the Nazis Party
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- Created by: Lauren Brixey
- Created on: 03-04-13 12:50
The Roots of the Nazis Party
Adolf Hitler was the Nazi Leader.
- Born in Austria in 1889 & lived in Germany 1912 onwards
- Brave soldier on Western front won the iron cross twice
- Couldn't accept defeat
- In 1919 he joined the German Workers Party- led by Anton Drexler
- 1920- name changed to Nation Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)
- Hitler took over leadership- charasmatic speaker
- The party set up SA (armed group)
- Protected the Nazis leaders
- Harassed opponents
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The Roots of the Nazis Party
Hitler tried to ovetthrow the Government in the Munich Putsch.
- 1923- going bad for the government & it seemed weak
- Hitler planned to overthrow Weimar Government- starting by taking control of Government in Bavaria
- Hitler's soldiers occupied beer hall in the Bavarian city of Munich- local government leaders were meeting
- Announced revolution had begun
- Next day- marched into Munich with SA
- Revolt collapsed- police open fired
Hitler the book 'Mein Kampf' in prison.
- Imprisioned for role in Munich Putsch
- Wrote a book describing his beliefs & ambitions
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Beliefs and Ambitions
- Believed the Aryans were a Master Race
- Would join Austria and Germany (Anschluss)
- Would reverse Treaty of Versailles
- Create a greater Germany
- Germans had a right to Lebensraum (more space to live)
- Believed other races were inferior
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The Roots of the Nazis Party
After the Munich Putsch Hitler changed tactics.
- Nazis party was banned after Putsch
- Hitler released- re-established party with himself as supreme leader
- 1920- German economy was begining to recover
- Nazis support declined
- Changed tactics- gain control through democratic system
- Party- extended nationally
- Propaganda was used to promote beliefs
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The Rise of the Nazis
The Great Depression caused poverty and suffering.
- Massive unemployment- 6 million by 1933
- 1931- Germany's biggest bank collapsed- harder to repay reparations
- Government kept changing- couldn't solve economic problems
- Depression- Weimar Republic collapsed
- Extremist groups became popular- promised strong leadership
The Nazis increased in popularity during the depression.
- Nazis promised to make Germany great
- Appealed to unempolyed, businessment & young people
- Some supported their anti communist & jewish views
- 1930- membership 300,000+
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The Rise of the Nazis
The elections of 1930 showed Nazi gain.
- Results- 2nd
- Vote: 1928= 800,000 1930= 6,409,000
- Seats: 1928= 12 1930= 107
- Share prices down 20%
- Chancellor Henrich Bruing couldn't control Reichstag properly- too many parties
- Rule by emergency decree
Germany had no strong Government.
- April 1932- conditions were serious
- Desparate for strong government
- President Hindenburg stood for re-election & Hitler ran against
- Hindenburg didn't win majority in first election
- Second ballot he won 53%
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The Rise of the Nazis
Hindenburg refused to give Nazis power.
- Couldn't find a chancellor who had support
- Appointed inexperienced Franz von Papen
- July 1932 election- Nazis biggest party (230 seats)- didn't have majority
- Hitler demanded to be chancellor- refused
The Nazis lost seats in the elections.
- Lost 34 in the November 1932 election
- Hindenburg appointed Kurt von Schleicher as Chancellor
- He tried to cause divisions in the Nazis party- asked Gregor Strasser (Nazis) to be vice
- Hitler made him refuse
- Hitler got offered Chancellor in January 1933
- Called another election in March 1933- hoped to make Nazis stronger in Reichstag
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The Rise of the Nazis
The Nazis used dirty tricks to win in 1933.
The Nazis did well in the elections because:
- Controlled news media
- Opposition meetings were banned
- SA terrorised opponents
- Reichstag fire- blame communist & increase their opposition
- Ruled by emergency decree- deal with it- intimidated communist voters
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Hitler comes to power
Hitler changed the law to keep control.
- Nazis won 288 seats- still no majority
- Hitler made communist party illegal
- Gave him enough support to pass Enabling act- lets him govern for 4 years without parliament
- Made all other parties illegal
- May 1933- Trade unions were banned
- July 1933- all other political parties were banned
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The Night of the Long Knives
- Hitler still had opposition- rivals in Nazis party
- Biggest threat- Ernst Rohm- controlled SA
- 29th- 30th June 1934 Rohm & others were arrested
- Several hundred were killed including Rohm
- Opposition had been removed
- Month later- death of Hindenburg
- Hitler combined post of Chancellor & President & made him Commander-in- Chief of the army
- He was now called Der Fuhrer
- Begining of a dictatorship
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Hitler comes to power
Germany was now under strong leadership.
- Germany was reorganised into a number of provinces- called Gau
- A loyal Nazi (Gauleiter) were in charge of each
- Among them was Reichsleiters- advised Hitler, Goebbels- propaganda, Himmler- chief of German police
- Hitler was in absolute control
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