The Tempest revision

Critics quotes and quotes from the text on the main themes in The Tempest.

  • Created by: Alice
  • Created on: 05-06-13 10:48

Power (Critics quotes)

Dixon - Hunt: 'Every man would be a commander ... but every man denied to be commanded'

Vaughn: Natives were 'torn between their indigenous culture and the culture superimposed on it by their conquerors'

Orgel: 'Power,as Prospero presents it in the play, is not inherited but self-created'

Bower: 'He want to indulge his desires, without control. This is what being free means to Caliban'

Brower: 'Everyone except Prospero and Miranda has been imprisoned in one way or another'

Tillyward: '[Prospero's] traits are mere survivals'


James I: 'he made you a little god to sit on his throne, and rule ouer other men'

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Power (Quotes from text)

Antonio:  'Yet he would be king on't'

Caliban: Without his books, Prospero is 'but a sot, as I am, nor hath / One spirit to command'

Caliban: 'This island's mine by Sycorax my mother / Which thou tak'st from me'

Stephano: 'The poor monster's my subject, and he shall not suffer indiginity' 

Boatswain: 'Who cares these roarers for the name of king?'

Prospero: 'As you from crime would pardoned be / Let your indulgence set me free'

Prospero: 'graves at my command / Have waked their sleepers'

Miranda: 'Had I been any god of power, I would / Have sunk the ship within the earth'

Ariel: 'Do you love me, master?'

Antonio: 'My brother's servants / Were then my fellow; now they are my men'

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Regeneration (Critics Quotes)

Tillyward: 'The Tempest deals mainly with regeneration'

                 'Prospero is the agent of his own regeneration'

                 'A younger and happier generation is needed to secure the new state'

Doran: 'The action of the play is Prospero's discovary of an ethic of forgiveness'

Orgal: 'Repentance in The Tempest is a largely unachieved goal'

Brower: 'The unchanging Caliban'

Dover: 'It is a profoundly religious poem'

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Regeneration (Quotes from text)

Ariel: 'Nothing of him that doth fade / But doth suffer a sea-change'

Miranda: 'O brave new world / That has such people in't'

Prospero: 'The rarer action is in virtue than in vengence'

Caliban: 'I shall be wise hereafter and seek for grace'

Prospero: 'This rough magic / I here abdure'

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Men and Monsters (Critics Quotes)

Dixon - Hunt: 'Every man would be a commander ... but every man denied to be commanded'

Bower: 'He wants to indulge his desires, without control. This is what being free means to Caliban'

Tillyward: 'Prospero's traits are mere survivals'

Coleridge: 'it is in the primacy of the moral being only that man is truly human'

More: 'If you don't want paradise ... you don't have a soul'

Brower: 'The unchanging Caliban'

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Men and Monsters (Quotes from text)

Prospero: 'On whose nature / nurture will never stick'

Caliban: 'I shall be wise hereafter and seek for grace'

Miranda: 'O brave new world / That has such people in't'

Prospero: 'This rough magic / I here abdure'

Caliban: 'Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not'

Stephano: 'The poor monster's my subject, and he shall not suffer indignity'

Ariel: 'Do you love me, master?

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Great resource thanks! 

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