
  • Created by: jxliaxox
  • Created on: 16-01-18 17:24


  • Education is part of the 'ideological state apparatus'.
  • Educaton is a tool of capitalism.
  • Education creates an obedient workforce.
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  • Developed the cultural deprivation theory= higher class are better when compared to working class cultures.
  • Uses cultural capital to explain the ways in which relationships of social inequality were reproduced through the education system.
  • Argues that working class failure in schools if measured by exam success is the fault of the education system, not working class culture.
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Bowles and Gintis

  • There is close link between school and work= correspondence principle.
  • There is a close link between pupil experiences of school and adult work: pupils are taught to accept hierarchy at school and there is hierarchy in the work place.
  • Pupils are moticated by good grades to do boring work. Workers are rewarded with pay to do boring work.
  • Argue that the hidden curriculum and doing homework prepares people for work.
  • They also say that meritocracy is a myth which is used to blame individuals for not succeeding.
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Davis and Moore

  • Every society sorts its members into different positions. There are rules for how education does this: "principle of stratification".
  • There has to be a system of unequal rewards to motivate people to train for the higher jobs positions.
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Talcott Parsons

  • School acts as a bridge between the family and adult roles of society.
  • School passes on a universal value of achievment.
  • Education selecs children into appropriate roles because its meritocratic.
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  • Education passes on norm and values in order to intergrate individuals into society.
  • Eduaction helps to create a social order based on cohesion and value consensus.
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Crolyn Jackson

  • 'Lads and ladettes in school'.
  • Boys labelled as laddish by the media.This comes from the idea that it is 'uncool' to work and this prevents some boys from reaching their full potential.
  • Girls behave in a similar way and establish an anti-social subculture.
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Sue Sharpe

  • Carried out a longitudinal (study over a long period of time) on girls and their aspirations. In the 1970s when she first conducted the research she found that girls aspired to be married and have children. They wanted love, husbands and children.
  • When she conducted the research again in 1990s she found that female teenagers then wanted careers and highly paid jobs over a family and husband.
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  • Education doesn't result in an obedient workforce.
  • Some students form an anti-school subculture and cope with school and then adult work by mucking about (learning labour).
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  • Proposed the idea of labelling.
  • Argued that middle class teachers have an idea of an 'ideal pupil' that is middle class. This pupil speaks in elaborated speech code, is polite and smartly dressed.
  • Argued that middle class teachers are likely to view middle class pupils irrespective of their intelligence.
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Rosenthal and Jacobsen

  • Positive teacher labelling can lead to selffulfilling prophecy in which the student believs the label given to them and the label becomes true in practise.
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