Presidential involvement in legislation
- Reagan initial success with Congress was not repeated as some legislation he wanted to introduce,urged by the religious right, was blocked by congress like laws to cut back on busing
- Reagan was advised against some legislation and he was pragmatic and flexible about policy (he wanted to introduce prayers in schools but was advised not to)
- Bush was less pragmatic.He had less support in Congress as he had 45 Republicans in the Senate and 175 in the house in his first term (Reagan had 54 and 189)
- He promised to continue Reagans popular policies like keeping tax low and defence spending up but had to give in to the demands of Congress to raise taxes
Public Image and Iran-Contra affair
- White House officials had supplied arms to free US hostages, and they used the money from the arms sales and weapons to support Contra rebels fighting the existing government
- This was done without agreement of Congress and went against policies of neutrality in the Iran and Iraq war
- Reagan lied to Congress and pubic by saying this didn't happen and then that he didn't know about it. The officials involved destroyed documents and evidence
- Reagans involvement damaged president but many people told themselves that he could have been confused or done it for the sake of the hostages
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