Travel and tourism- Advertising These card breifly explain what is in advertising 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Travel & TourismOther Created by: ChrisCreated on: 16-10-09 10:13 Advertisment The most EXPENSIVE form of PROMOTING travel and tourism This is because they would have to PROMOTE a large amount of things PROMOTING travel and tourism is the LARGEST section of the travel and tourism industry There is for types of MEDIA used in AVERTISING: BROADCASTING: Tv, Cinema and radio etc. PRINTED: newspapers, magazines, and leaflets DISPLAY: billboard, posters and signs I.T.: internet web pages and pop-ups advertising campaigns involve six developing stages: CHOOSE THE TARGET AUDIENCE COMPOSING THE MESSAGE SELECTING THE MEDIA TIMMING THE CAMPAIGN AGREE TO A CERTAIN BUDGET MEASURING THE RESULTS IN TERMS OF CUSTOMER TAKE UPS 1 of 1
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