Aim: To find out if homocide rates would vary as a function of local life expectancy in Chicago
Method: A correlation study using police records, school records and local demographic records
Procedure: The study examined local communities in Chicago which had a lower than average life expectancies for males and plotted various correlations between data collection.
- The lower the life expectancies the more homicides were committed; Daly and Wilson asked if it was possible that becasue the young men in this area discarded the future they took part in risk-taking behaviour for the short-term rewards
- Negative correlation between rate of absentessism from school and life expectancy - one explaination is that the parents are also operating on a short-time horizon
- In the case of the females, predicited that reproduction wil occur earlier in lower life expectancy areas
- Daly and Wilson believe that young adults are still driven by the acient traits such as risk taking and early reproduction, which is a response to the circumstances, leading to males in crime
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