Unit 2 Global Information
- Created by: Sian C
- Created on: 01-05-17 22:16
UNIT 2- Revision
- Digital Divide
- Information Formats
- Static & Dynamic Web pages
- Database Design
- Categories of Data Analysis
- Legislation With Regards to Global Information
- Green IT
- Flow Charts and DFDs
- Information Security
- Impacts of Information Security
- Protection of Data
Data and Information
Data is simply the facts and figures without context.
Information is the context which makes the data meaningful and useful.
Digital Divide
This is the difference in access to digital resources in different areas of the world.
This could be for many reasons including economic, technological, social and geographical. Some people also have a fear of technology or a lack of motivation.
Information Formats
Web- webpages
Blogs- usually informal + run by an individual
Podcasts- digital audio file available for downloading
Streamed audio/video- played immediately instead of being saved to the hard drive
Document Stores- computer program designed for storing, retrieving and managing information
RSS Feeds- regularly changing web content (news sites)
Statistic & Dynamic Webpages
Static Web Pages- written in plain HTML & what is in this code of this page is what is displayed to the user, it is cheaper but you have to go back to the designer to have any content changes made
Dynamic Web Pages- written using a server-side scripting language (PHP, ASP, JSP, Coldfusion) meaning the site content is called in via scripting language from other files or from a database depending on actions taken by the user, you can easily pull information in an organised/structured way, all your product pages will be the same page layout with different data being displayed
Database Design
Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language, which can then be used to create a database.
Validation- makes sure the data is correct
Verification- checks that various types of data are accurate and for inconsistencies after data migration is done
Categories of Information
Communication- a simple email home is clearly information but this could range from comments about the weather to the fact that it was sent at 4 a.m local time
Education and Training- school reports can be paper based or stored online in an intranet
Entertainment- IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes provide a synopsis of each film they list as well as overall scores based on the views of people who have seen the film
Planning- shared electronic diaries help people plan their lives
Financial- banks and other organisations provide a lot of data from how much money we have in our accounts to grouping expenditures
Stages of Data Analysis
Identify the need- the purpose
Define the scope- restrictions
Identify potential sources- unbiased & suitable to meet objectives
Source and select information- gather & select information
Select the most appropriate tools- representation of data
Process and analyse data- spreadsheets & graphs etc
Record and store information- report containing results
Share Results- publish report for stakeholders, printed, web or written
Legislation With Regards to Global Information
Computer Misuse Act 1990- unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime, modification of computer material as well as the unauthorised access to computer material
Data Protection Act 1998- controls how personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000- regulates the powers of public bodies to carry out surveillance and investigation, and covering the interception of communications
Protection of Freedoms Act 2012- restores freedoms and civil liberties through the abolition of such things like DNA retention, freedom of information and right to data
Green IT
The purpose is to reduce the carbon footprint and stop using the world's limited resources at such a high rate which will help reduce the use of hazardous material, maximise energy efficiency during the product`s life as well as promote the biodegradability of unused and outdated products.
Implementing Green IT
- Recycle computers
- Cloud storage- male savings, less local computers & less overall computers needed
- Less individual printers
- More power efficient equipment
- Companies responsibly dispose of their equipment
Advantages- doing your part for the environment, reduce printer costs, better reputation etc
Disadvantages- increased cost of disposal, cloud solutions may not suit your needs, paperless office may cause more jobs for admin etc
Flow Charts and DFD`s
The curved end rectangle is both the start and stop of the flow chart
The rectangle is a process
The diamond is a decision
The parallelogram shows data
A DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create an overview of the system without going into great detail, which can later be elaborated
A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system, modelling its process aspect
The direction of the arrows shows who inputs the data and who receives this data
Information Security
Principles of Information Security
Confidentiality- information can only be accessed by individuals, groups or processes authorised to do so
Integrity- information is maintained so it is up to date and accurate
Availability- information is always available to and usable by the individuals, groups or processes that need to use it
Risks to information
- Unauthorised or unintended access to data- competitor gains advantage & breach of DPA 1998
- Accidental loss of data- breach of DPA 1998 & liable to be prosecuted
- Intentional destruction of data- depeneds of relevance of data & failure to comply with DPA 1998
- Intentional tampering with data- decisions made based on this data would be flawed & loss of reputation for organisation holding the data
Impacts of Information Security
Loss of Intellectual property- depends on the nature of the item, loss of a prototype would have a huge impact
Loss of service/access- hacking, systems no longer accessible, passwords compromised, systems may shut down until the hackers are stopped, loss of entire system
Failure in security of confidential information- depends on why the data was confidential in the first place
Loss of information belonging to a third party- in loss of reputation, business and open to litigation
Threat to national security- if any data you hold could be used in a nefarious way you could be contributing to a threat
Protection of Data
Policies- made my companies to state rules on access, procedures that should be followed/backup procedures, training for staff provided
Physical Protection- locks, keypads, biometrics, remote backups, security staff, placing computers above sea level
Logical Protection
- Tiered level of access to data- only certain people have access to certain things
- Firewalls- prevent unauthorised external access
- Anti-malware- anti-virus, pop-up blockers, spyware
- Obfuscation- making something jumbled so it can`t be understood, makes theft less profitable
- Encrypting data at rest- data that isn`t being transferred
- Encryption of data in transit
- Password protection files
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