Unit 2 Germany 1918-1939 Chronological Timeline 5.0 / 5 based on 12 ratings ? HistoryGermany 1918-1939GCSEEdexcel Created by: RevisingalotCreated on: 08-04-15 14:31 Key Topic 1: The Weimar Republic 1918-1933 9th November 1918-Kaiser abdicates 11th November 1918-Armistice signed 6th January 1919-Spartacist uprising 15th January 1919-Spartacist uprising fails 28th June 1919-Treaty of Versailles signed August 1919-Weimar Constitution completed 1920-Kapp Putsch 1923-French invasion of the Ruhr September 1923-Stresemann appointed Chancellor November1923-Rentenmark replaces mark 1924-Reichsbank set up April 1924-Dawes Plan May 1925-Hindenburg becomes Chancellor October 1925-Locarno Pact September 1926-Germany joins League of Nations 1926-Stresemann wins Nobel Peace Prize August 1928-Germany signs Kellogg-Briand pact August 1929-Young Plan 1 of 7 Key Topic 2: Hitler and the growth of the Nazi Par 9th January 1919-German Workers’ Party (DAP) founded February 1920-25-Point Programme revealed 7th August 1920-German Workers Party (DAP) becomes National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) Mid-1921-Hitler becomes NSDAP Führer 1921-Sturmabteilung (Storm Troopers) (SA) created 8th November 1923-Munich Putsch 1924-1924 election-32 seats won 1925-NSDAP ban lifted 27th February 1925-NSDAP re-launched 1925-Schutzstaffel (Protection Squad) (**) created May 1928-1928 elections-12 seats won 1928-Nazi land-confiscation policy changes October 1929-Wall Street Crash September 1930-1930 elections-107 seats won 2 of 7 Key Topic 3: The Nazi Dictatorship 1933-1939 27th February 1933-Reichstag fire 5th March 1933-1933 elections March 1933-The Enabling Act May 1933-Trade Unions banned July 1933-Decree banning all political parties but NSDAP July 1933-Concordat with Pope Pius IX September 1933-Ludwig Müller made Reich Bishop 1933-Gestapo set up by Hermann Goering 1933-First concentration camp set up in Dachau January 1934-18 Lӓnder parliaments abolished 30th June 1934-Night of the Long Knives 1st July 1934-Rӧhm shot in Stadelheim Gaol 2nd August 1934-Hindenburg dies-Hitler becomes Führer 1936-1936 Berlin Olympics 1937-Enabling Act renewed 1937-Mit Brennender Sorge issued 3 of 7 Key Topic 4: Nazi Domestic Policies April 1933-Nazi boycotts of Jewish businesses May 1933-Jews banned from government jobs September 1933-Jews banned from inheriting land 1933-Law for Encouragement of Marriage introduced 1933-National Labour Service (RAD) set up 1933-Law passed-doctors can force people to be sterilised 1933+-Gypsies being arrested and sent to concentration camps May 1935-Jews banned from the army June 1935-Jews banned from restaurants 15th September 1935-Nuremberg Laws passed 1935-Lebensborn programme set up 1935-RAD 6 month service made compulsory 1935-Laws against homosexuality strengthened 1936-Secret ‘Four Year Plan’ memo issued March 1938-Jews have to register all possessions July 1938-Jews have to carry identity cards July 1938-Jewish doctors, dentists and lawyers are forbidden to work for white Aryan Germans 7th November 1938-Ernst von Rath killed in the German Parisian Embassy 4 of 7 Key Topic 2 (Continued) March 1932-PRESIDENTIAL elections-11 million votes April 1932-PRESIDENTIAL elections-13 million votes April 1932-Chancellor Bruning’s decree to ban SA and ** May 1932-Von Papen becomes Chancellor May 1932-Right-wing coalition including NSDAP formed July 1932-1932 elections-230 seats won July 1932-Hitler demands Von Papen to be sacked-refused November 1932-New 1932 elections-196 seats won November 1932-Von Papen resigns 2nd December 1932-Von Schleicher becomes Chancellor 30th January 1933-Hitler becomes Chancellor 5 of 7 Key Topic 1 (Continued) 3rd October 1929-Stresemann dies October 1929-Wall Street Crash 1932-Chancellor Bruning resigns 6 of 7 Key Topic 4 (Continued) 9th and 10th November 1938-Kristallnacht April 1939-Orders for all Jews to be evicted from their homes April 1939-Orders to collect all Gypsies in ghettos to be deported 1939-Secret official policy to kill disabled children 1st September 1939-WORLD WAR II BEGINS 7 of 7