- Born in 1225 in Italy
- Great theologican and philosopher
- Wealthy family - study in Paris
- Heavily influenced by Aristole
- Nickname 'dumb ox' - stout nature and physical round appearance.
- Later known as 'angelic doctor' - for his amazing contribution to Philosophy and Religion.
Aquinas' great thinking - vast impact on illuminating ones understanding of God.
Leslek Kolakowski's book Why is there somethin rather than nothing? observes ''that in the Catholic Church, Thomism has the reputation of a doctrine which better than any other serves to conform and strengthen intellectual Catholic heritage''
- Most famous for his book - Summa Theologica
- Inteneded as a manual to help those - understand themselves and their religion.
- Has gone beyond it's time.
- Consists of Aquinas' Five Ways - set to prove the existence of God.
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