Unit 3- Key Evaluations (Health and Criminal) Biological/Learning- Health SLT/SFP- Criminal 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyHealth and clinical psychologyA2/A-level Created by: Issy HCreated on: 09-06-12 14:32 REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Evidence to Support -Evidence to Oppose - Practical Application - Reductionism - Research Methods -DREEEAAMS -PEEL 1 of 5 The Self Fulfilling Prophecy (Crime) Weaknesses Cannot test ethically, as this may induce behaviour which would not have occured otherwise. Evidence which exists lies in education and not within crime. Will only work if expectations are not too different to the induviduals view of themselves. Low Self Concept. Social Learning Theory may be a more plausible explanation. Strengths Wider effect on society of labelling. Jahoda- provides evidence with criminal Psychology. Evidence in education is still valid to support the Self Fullfilling Prophecy. Correlational Studies show the effect of a self fullfilling prohecy. 2 of 5 Social Learning Theory (Crime) Weaknesses Cause and Effect relationships are hard to establish due to many other factors involved in criminal behaviour. Charlton provides evidence against the role of SLT and the media, as it promoted pro social behaviour, not anit- social behaviour. It doesn't explain induvidual differences, like why some people are criminals from role models but others are not. There are issues with Bandura's research as evidence to support the theory. Strengths Practical application of social learning theory in the real world. Changes in role models. Shows why criminal behaviour may run within families. Bandura provides evidence, as he found children imitated aggressive behaviour from thier same sex role model. Williams provides evidence for the fact that TV/media role models influence agressive behaviour. 3 of 5 Learning Explanation (Health) Weaknesses Ennet et al. - Shows that SLT is more likely to support not taking drugs, rather than being a negative influence. Ignores biological factors, so is therefore reductionist. People continue to take drugs despite the naty initial effects, meaning there are other facotrs which contribute. Issues with cause and effect, we can measure social learning theory effectively. Strengths Wider exploration of behaviour as it used 3 areas (classical, operant, SLT) to explain sustance misuse. Explains culutral differences. SLT is well accepted throughout all of psychology. Explains psychological dependance, with classical conditioning, and context dependancy. 4 of 5 Biological Explanation Weaknesses Brain is too complex to study. Research evidence is useless as it doesnt encompass this complexity. PET scans, which are used to study the explanation lack ecological validity. We cannot generalise reults from animal studies. It is reductionist as it ignores the influence of the environment. Strengths Explains withdrawl, tolerance, dependance as they are all biological processes. Evidence from animal studies which show biochemical changes supporting the model. Correlational studies show there is a change in brain chemicals when drugs are used. PET scans provide evidence for brain changes. 5 of 5
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