The process of the population moving from central areas of cities towards suburbs on the outskirts or rural-urban fringe.
1) Between 1800-1900 rapid industrialisation took place and industry outbid all users of land near the CBD.
2) Industry needed larger labour force housed nearby.
3) Victorian houses were undesirable to upper classes, so they left CBD and moved to suburbs (1920s).
4) Decentralisation increased and left derelict sites, closed factories and unemployment in inner city.
5) Crime rates in inner city increased along with poor education and health.
6) As people moved, so did businesses, which increased the price of suburbs.
7) Road improvements and commuting became a way of life.
8) Families attracted - typically wealthy with both adults working in skilled jobs.
Examples - Jesmond, Heston, Gosforth, Fenway, Lowfell.
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