USSR 1917-1941
Industrialisation - Five Year Plans
- Created by: Charlotte
- Created on: 04-05-08 13:18
First Five Year Plan 1928-32
Key Features:
> Aimed to create an industrial base for further development
> Aimed to achieve rapid expansion of coal and steel production, electrical power, transport and other capital goods industries
> Called for an annual 20% growth -unrealistic due to unskilled peasants, central planning wasinexperienced,unrealistic
> Standards of living declined but the foundations for a strong industrial base were built
The First Five Year Plan 1928-32
> Electricity output trebled
> Coal and iron output doubled
> Steel production increased by a third
> Engineering industry developed - increased production of machine tools, turbines etc
> Huge new industrial complexes built or being built
> Huge new tractor works built in Stalingrad, Kharkov and other places to meet the needs of mechanised agriculture
> Workforce were enthusiastic due to high unemployment rates
First Five Year Plan 1928-32
> Stalin had overreached himself
> Very little growth, decline in consumer industries
> Chemical targets left unfulfilled
> Lack of skilled workers caused problems - constant job changing caused instability
First Five Year Plan 1928-32
> Targets overly high and ambitious
> Failure to overfulfil goals seen as lack of committment, people accused of being saboteurs
> Target Mania - people got obsessed by setting targets
> Pressure piled on due to expectations of Gosplan
> Characterised by pandemonium and havoc
> Corruption - bribery, favours etc done to assure the security of underperforming workers
> Occasional surplus produce couldn't be properly proportioned, organised banditry
> People lied about volume of produce, some forced to confess and later shot
> Bourgeois experts the first to be blamed yet kept on due to knowledge and experience
> Show trial 1928 - Shakhty - coal mine failed to meet targets, well publicised to intimidate workers into achieving
First Five Year Plan 1928-32
> Many targets not met
> Great Depression had driven down grain and raw material prices - USSR could gain enough money from exports to substantiate its mechanical needs
> Soviet economy kick started - impressive growth in some sectors
> Heavy investments made in agriculture due to the food collectivisation programme
The Second Five Year Plan 1933-7
Key Ideas:
> Party leaders willing to accept failures of First Plan
> Made more use of technical expertise
> Plan revised, scaled back, emphasis on consolidation
> Planners and workforce more experienced
> Aims more realistic, 14% increase in produce
The Second Five Year Plan 1933-7
> People's Commissariats more organised, designed clear, specific targets
> Greater emphasis on communication
> Boost in industrial growth - three good years 1934-6
> New training techniques introduced - encouraged workers to learn skills
> Chemical industries grew, as did footwear production and food processing
> Heavy industry benefitted from plants set up in First Plan
> Shortages/waste etc weren't as bad as the First Plan
> 1937 also impressive - witnessed acheivements and steps towards industrialisation
> Minerals such as copper/zinc mined for the first time
> Encouraged more resources to go into consumer industries
The Second Five Year Plan 1933-37
> Consumer goods industries still lacking (although showing signs of recovery)
> Oil production didn't make the expected advances
> Economic slowdown after 1937
> Real wages did not increase
> More money directed into armaments during Hitler's rise to power
Third Five Year Plan
Key Features:
> Cut short due to USSR's involvement in WWII
> Emphasis was again on heavy industry - the need for armaments became increasingly urgent
> General increase in industrial output during the Third Plan, yet some areas e.g. iron+ steel virtually stopped growing
> The move towards war meant there were shortages elsewhere
Third Five Year Plan 1938-41
> Heavy industry continued to grow (machinery + engineering) but other areas did poorly
> Defence and armaments grew rapidly as resources were directed to them
> New plants were built in the east
Third Five Year Plan 1938-41
> Oil production failed to meet targets and led to fuel crisis
> Steel output grew insignificantly
> Consumer industries ignored (again)
> Factories ran short of materials
> Stalin's purges led to disorganisation
> Labour shortages
Summary of the Plans 1928-41
> Coal production increased six fold, steelfour fold
> Progress in production of textiles declined during the First Plan - housing industry ignored
> Shortage of consumer goods were worsened by the fact collectivisation had destroyed a lot of cottage industry
> USSR turned into a solid industrial base over a short period of time
> 1941-5, USSR proved it could defend itself against Nazi attack
> Made economic progress yet unbalanced- marked decline in certain sectors whilst others showed impressive growth
> 5YPs transformed society + economy in USSR, increased power of Stalin + Party
> By 1941, USSR a strong industrial base for a powerful arms industry
The Five Year Plans
Economic Results:
> Achieved at the expense of the workers' social conditions
> Pressure to meet targets meant that safety was neglected, working conditions deteriorated
> Machinery used without proper training or protection
> Levels of pay were low
> Workers were difficult to keep due to poor conditions
> Migration from rural to urban areas so great an internal passport system had to be established
> Slave labour had to be used to meet needs for workers
> Increased absenteeism led to its establishment as a criminal act
The Quicksand Society
> First Plan required enormous expansion of the labour force
> Most new workers were peasants forced off the land by collectivisation
> 1930 coal industry - average worker moved three times a year
> New ex peasant workers couldn't adapt to factory work
> Businesses competed for labour by offering additional perks
> 1931, less than 7% of workers were skilled
> Untrained, clumsy workers damaged machinery, produced low quality goods
> Machines weren't properly maintained
> Moshe Lewin likened the rapid joining and leaving of jobs to a 'quicksand society'
> Breakdown of leadership - inability to discipline workforce
> Led to denial of ration cards and other goods which discouraged workers
> People constantly penalised, fired, recalled and questioned - frequent job changes
> Social, administrative and industrial problems arose
> Dictatorship suffered as a result of rapid industrialisation
> Party responded with shockworkers - showed an example through their determination; weren't wasteful/late/absent etc, honoured with status, better accommodation etc
> Managers allowed to pay bonuses- egalitarian wages abandoned 1931
> Honours awarded to outstanding workers, people paid more than others for staying put and acquiring skills
> Party responded with shock workers who set an example through determination
Wage Differentials and Incentives
> Managers allowed to pay bonuses
> People paid more than others to reward those who stayed put and acquired skills
> Honours awarded to outstanding workers
> Egalitarian wages abandoned 1931
> Piece work - payment according to volume of work completed
> Training: programmes introduced but lacked money, improved insecond 5YP with fewer but better schemes available
> Tough measures - brought in 1930-33 to deal with absentees, included dismissal, eviction from factory owned home
> Uninterruptive week- to increase productivity, swapped weekends, caused break up of families, unable to participate in religious activity
> Stakhanov an idol for workers, shifted 15x amount of coal, rewards given to 'model workers', slackers publicly ridiculed
Impact pf Plans on Society
> 38% growth in industrial proletariat (1926-33)
> Economic planning partly social engineering for political reasons
> More urban based society meant position of socialism strengthened
> 5YPs saw rapid expansion of state's power over the economy
> Peoples' Commissariats set up to coordinate branches of industry, Party Officials used at factory level to ensure orders from the centre were carried out
> Pressure to fulfil increasingly unrealistic targets led them to use a range of enterprising methods which included ambushing resource vehicles destined for other factories
> Bribery used by factory managers
> USSR became infamous for its corruption
Did the Workers Support the Plans?
> Urban working class +young people initially enthusiastic, wanted to move forwards to better society, thousands of youth volunteered to work on distant projects - labouring in primitive conditions
> Prepared to make sacrifices, believed they were better off, shop floor workers in the main supported Party hierarchy, approved of attacks on bourgeois specialists
> Skilled industrial workers quickly advanced to supervisory posts, strides in higher technical education for more intelligent proletariat
> Workers who stayed in their jobs prospered 1930s
> Training courses available to improve qualifications, positions + pay prospects
> Those who exceeded targets rewarded with better pay + accommodation etc
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