Utility Software

  • Created by: G.Oldham
  • Created on: 26-01-18 10:52

Disk Fragmenter

Defragmentation involves rearranging the information on a disk so that files appear in continuous sequences of clusters. This will improve file access times. Most modern operating systems run this process automatically.

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Lossless Compression

As the file size is compressed, the picture quality remains the same - it does not get worse. 

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Lossy Compression

As the file size is compressed, the picture quality changes - it gets worse. 

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Disk Cleaner

The storage drive is divided into a number of clusters. The table of contents serves as an address book, keeping a record of each file and the clusters used to store that file. When a file is deleted, the address to the location on the disk is removed.

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This allows the user to restore the system to a previous state which is saved as a backup. This is only usually used if a system malfunctions.

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They allow the user to manage the computer. There are many different utility programs and they may vary across operating systems.

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