-Need for new drugs: new diseases are still emerging, there are still many diseases for which there are no effective treatments, some antibiotic treatments are becoming less effective as the bacteria continue to evolve due to the drugs putting seletion pressure on them.
-New drugs are discovered by accident (penicillin), use of traditional medicine, anaethetics, observation of wildlife and modern research.
-Natural medicines: discovery of natural drugs has concentrated on tropical plants. Due to their diversity there may be many new drugs to discover and this is why we need to maintain biodiversity.
-Further research: Antibiotic have been developed from micro-organisms and biologists hope to learn how bacteria produce antibiotics by finding out what their genes do.
-HIV virus CD4 receptor can be isolated and sequenced. Once the amino acid sequence is determined molecular modelling can be used to determine the shape of the receptor. A drug that blocks that receptor then needs to be found.
-Genomics and DNA comparison.
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