Virtue Ethics
- Created by: gemmas365
- Created on: 22-06-17 23:21
Virtue Ethics: Introduction.
Virtues are qualities of character or Thomas Aquinas 'dispositions to act well'. Virtue Ethics is interested in moral character. Virtue ethics put right character before right behaviour. It originated from ancient greek thought, where the word 'arete' (virtue) meant any kind of excellence.
Important modern contributors: Elizabeth Anscombe, Alastair MacIntyre and Phillipa Foot.
Virtue Ethics: Development.
Key early contributions from Plato. In order to become virtuous we must have some knowledge of what is good. He argued it isn't enough to have one virtue, we must have them all, in the right balance.
Crucial contributions from Aristotle. In his attempt to outline the purpose of human life, every action has a purpose or good. The supreme good is eudaimonia (happiness). He distinguished between types of happiness, the lowest was found among pleasure seekers. In order to reach the supreme good of happiness we must develop qualities or charactistics which will make us better people to live good lives.
He distinguished between intellectual and moral virtues. There are 9 intellectual e.g. intelligence and 12 moral. Moral are qualities of character e.g. courage, generousity and self control, developed by upbringing, example, practice and habit.
Virtue Ethics: Development.
Aristotle developed the doctrine of the golden mean, any virtue which is midway between two vices (extremes). For example, courage is the mean between cowardice and rashness. Vardy and Grosch 'we must try to ensure we veer away from either the excess of deficiency, so we hit the mean'.
The bible doesn't use virtue language very much, but the NT lists the characteristics a Christian should display, e.g. Galantians the list includes joy, peace and patience.
Cn virtue theory was developed by Thomas Aquinas in the middle ages. He adopted a two-tier scheme of virtues: the cardinal virtues (prudence, temperence, fortitude and justice) and the theological virtues (faith, hope, love and charity). Argued cardinal virtues were central to moral decision making.
Virtue Ethics: Development.
Enlightment in 18th century, it was rejected in favour of approaches focussing on the morality of actions (Kantian ethics) or the consequences of actions (Utilitarianism).
1958, Anscombe published 'Modern, moral philosophy' which is 'generally considered a significant factor in the modern revival of virtue ethics' (Thompson). Type of person we should be is more important that obedience to rules. 'Good persons do good deeds, but good deeds do not necessarily make good persons'. Agreed with Aristotle to live best life consists in the exercise of virtues.
Alastair MacIntyre argued deontological and consequentialist appraoches to morality have created a moral vacuum. He identified 3 personality types lacking virtues: Bureaucratic manager (profits before principles), Rich aesthete (exciting pleasures) and therapist (charges large sums to continue their pursuits).
Virtue Ethics: Development.
Enlightment in 18th century, it was rejected in favour of approaches focussing on the morality of actions (Kantian ethics) or the consequences of actions (Utilitarianism).
1958, Anscombe published 'Modern, moral philosophy' which is 'generally considered a significant factor in the modern revival of virtue ethics' (Thompson). Type of person we should be is more important that obedience to rules. 'Good persons do good deeds, but good deeds do not necessarily make good persons'. Agreed with Aristotle to live best life consists in the exercise of virtues.
Alastair MacIntyre argued deontological and consequentialist appraoches to morality have created a moral vacuum. He identified 3 personality types lacking virtues: Bureaucratic manager (profits before principles), Rich aesthete (exciting pleasures) and therapist (charges large sums to continue their pursuits).
Virtue Ethics: Development.
Christian virtue ethicist Hauerwas, the church is called to be a 'community of character' which it gets it identity from the story of Jesus Chris. He puts it, Christian ethics demands we attend to the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Phillipa Foot, a comtemporary supporter of VE argues the virtues outlined by Aristotle and Aquinas are necessary for a moral society. Agreed with Aristotle, moral virtues need to nurtured through constant habit.
Virtue Ethics: Conclusion.
Supporters claim it is a good approach to moral philosophy as it recognises the importance of the person in moral decision making.
Critics says it doesn't provide answers to moral issues e.g. euthanasia or abortion.
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