Vitamins and minerals
vitamins, what they do, where they're found, deficiancey, excess, effect of cooking and DRV :)
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- Created by: Missy
- Created on: 20-12-11 16:39
Vitamin A
- From: liver, oily fish, eggs, milk, cheese, margarine, butter, tomatoes, apricots and carrots.
- Function: increases ability to see in dim light.
- Deficiency: dry rough skin; impaired vision in dim light; dry/sore eyes; resistance to eye infections; impaired/reduced growth rate.
- Excess in children: retinol poisoning; irritability; dry itchy skin; swellings on joints.
- Excess in adults: stiffness in muscles; headaches and enlarged liver; toxic to pregnant women.
- DRV: 1 year old - 450g; 17 year old - 750g; breast feeding - 1200g.
- Effect of cooking: fat soluble
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Vitamin B1
- From: flour, breakfast cereals, brown rice, offal, eggs and milk.
- Function: growth and functioning of nervous system; maintains muscle tone; releases energy from charbohydrated.
- Deficiency: fatigue, irritability, depression and forgetfulness.
- Extreme deficiency: Berri-Berri (muscle wasting, paralysis, enlarged heart and death.
- DRV: 1 year old - 0.5 mg; 17 year old - 1.2 mg; breast feeding - 1.1 mg.
- Effect of cooking: dissolves in water.
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Vitamin B3
- From: yeast extracts, meat, fish, fortified white flour, wholemeal flour, milk and eggs.
- Function: metabolism of protien, fatty acids and charbohydrates; needed for healthy skin.
- Deficiency: rare in Britain, however serious defieciency is Pellagra.
- DRV: 1 year old - 7 mg; 17 year old boy - 19 mg; breast feeding - 21 mg.
- Uneffected by cooking.
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Vitamin C
- From: Blackcurrants, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, tomatoes and new potatoes.
- Function: Makes connective tissue to bind body cells together; needed for metabolsm of cholesterol; gives resistance to infection.
- Mild deficiency: blood spots undre skin due to blood vesseles being porous.
- Serious deficiency: Scurvy.
- DRV: 1 year old - 20 mg; 17 year old boy - 30 mg; breast feeding - 60 mg.
- Effect of cooking: dissolves in water,
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Vitamin D
- From: oily fish, egg yolk, margarine, liver and cod liver oil.
- Function: Essential for the formation of bones and teeth; heals broken bones; assists absoption of calcium.
- Deficiency: soft bones in children rickets; osteomlacia.
- Excess: Hypercalcaemia (loss of appetite, thirst, loss of weight and irritable).
- DVR: 1 year old - 10g; 17 year old boy - 10g; breastfeeding - 10g.
- Effect of cooking: Fat soluble
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- From: Cheese, white bread, milk, canned fish and 'hard' water.
- Function: clotting of blood; functioning of nerves and muscles; regular heartbeat; strong bones and teeth.
- Deficiency: stunted growth and rickets.
- Excess: Hypercalcaemia (loss of appetite, thirst, loss of wieght and irritable)
- DRV: 1 year old - 600 mg; 17 year old boy - 600mg; breast feeding - 1200mg.
- Not affected by cooking.
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- From: milk, cheese meat, fish, eggs and nuts.
- Functoin: builds strong bones and teeth; needed for metabolic processes; constiluent of blood; regular heartbeat; strong bones and teeth.
- Deficiency: deficiency in humans unknown.
- Excess: May reduce absorption of Calcium, Hypercacaemia.
- DRV: adequate amounts usually consumed in diet.
- Not affected by cooking.
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- From: liver, eggs, bread, water and vegetables.
- Function: formation of red blood cells.
- Deficiency: anaemia (fatigue, tired and listless); lack of iron can hider absoption of iron.
- Excess: poisonous.
- DRV: 1 year old - 7mg; 17 year old - 12 mg; breast feeding - 15 mg.
- Not affected by cooking.
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- From: Fish, vegetables and iodised salt.
- Function: Needed for production of hormones which determine the metabolic rate in cells.
- Deficiency: leeds to lack of thyroxine produced by thyroid gland; metabolism slows down and tyroid gland swells - Goltre.
- DRV: tiny amounts are needed, only 2.8g are needed in your entire life.
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- From: tea and seawater fish (also fortified into toothepast but don't write this in an exam as toothepaste isn't food).
- Function: strengthens teeth.
- Deficiency: dental carles in children; lack of florine possibly contributes to osteoporosis later in life.
- Excess: fluorosis - rough, pitted and discoloured teeth.
- Effect of cooking: disolves in water.
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Sodium, chlorine and potassium
- From: salt, yeast extract, cheese, bacon and fish.
- Function: required to maintain the correct concentration of body fluids. Chlorine is required for the manufacture of hydrolic acid in the stomach.
- Deficiency: salt deficiency leads to cramps.
- Effect of cooking: dissovles in water.
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Vitamin K
- From: Green vegetables, pulses, fruit and meat.
- Function: clotting of blood.
- Deficiency: blood doesn't clot.
- Effect of cooking: fat soluble
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- From: milk, cheese and yoghurt.
- Function: enzymes functioning properly; healing of wounds.
- Deficiency: poor growth in children.
- DRV: men - 9.5mg; women - 7mg.
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- From: meats and seafood.
- Function: makes antioxidant enzymes; regulates thyroide.
- Deficiency: a special form of heart disease; weakend immune system.
- Excess: a conditon called Selenosis.
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Vitamin B12
- From: all animal foods and fortified breakfast cereals.
- Function: Prevents some types of Anaemia; protects nervous system; helps cells to divide.
- Deficiency: Pernicious anaemia and neurological problems.
- Effect of cooking: water soluble.
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Vitamin B6
- From: liver, kidney, fish, poultry, leafy vegetables and potatoes.
- Function: metabolism of protien; formation of red blood cells; functioning of the nervous system.
- Deficiency: can cause convulsions in infants.
- Excess: has been linked to poor sensory nerves.
- DRV: Men - 1.4 mg; women - 1.2 mg.
- Effect of cooking: water soluble.
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Folic acid
- From: fortified breakfast cereals, breads, nuts and pulses.
- Function: red blood cell production
- Deficiency: tiredness, megalobastic anaemia, prevents natural tube defects in pregnancy.
- Effect of cooking: water soluble
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Vitamin E
- From: eggs, nuts, seeds, cereal and vegetable oils.
- Function: healthy skin; reproduction in some animals; protection against heart disease.
- Deficiency: rare.
- DRV: men - 4mg; women - 3mg.
- Effect of cooking: fat soluble
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- From: meat, cereals, bread, potatoes, fruit, vegetables and milk.
- Funtion: boine mineralization; nerve impulses, activity of some enzymes.
- Deficiency: tiredness and depression.
- DRV: men - 300mg; women - 270mg.
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