* Leading case for abnormality of mental functioning is (R V Byrne)
* Abnormality of the mind is a state of mind so different from that of an ordinary person, that the reasonable person would term it abnormal.
* It is not necessary to show tat the abnormality existed from birth (R V Gomez)
* Intoxication is not allowed for abnormality of mental functioning unless, it reaches a stage where the brain has been injured (R V Tandy)
* However, if the defendant was suffering from alcoholism and this was a significant factor in causing victims death, this would be considered an abnormality (Wood)
Recognised Medical Condition:
1. Psychopath (R V Byrne)
2. Depression ( R V Seers)
3. BWS ( R V Ahluwalia)
4. Alcoholism (Wood)
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