Water conflicts
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- Created by: ashleighholmes23
- Created on: 06-06-16 11:41
Turkey, Syria & Iraq
- 3 Muslim states
- Regional rainfall variations 643mm per year - only 16% available for use
- Cash crops
South-eastern Anatolia Project (GAP)
- $32 billion
- South East economy growth of 400%
- Agro-industril urbanisation - 1.7 million hectares of land supports 7% of population
- 22 dams & 19 HEP plants - damming Tigris & Euphrates- 22% energy by 2010
- Socio-economic development: bread basket of Middle East, Integrated water & energy supply, provide jobs to stop out migration, better education & healthcare provisions
- Syria & Iraq unhappy about damming - they receive restricted flow & Turkey may not allow flow once dam is full due to political conflicts
Is conflict inevitable? YES
- Conflict only averted through international intervention
- Water released from Ilisu dam only to Syria NOT Iraq
- Plans to build Cizre Dam for irrigation in Turkey - Syria & Iraq left to fight over the remaining water
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Ilisu Dam
- Damming Tigris river
Potential negative impacts
- Ancient town of Hasakeyf flooded displacing 34,000 Kurds
- Increased malaria & waterborne disease risk
- WB, UK government & Skansa Swedish TNC pulled out
- Amended plans
- Kurds relocated
- Austrian, German & Swiss Consortium built Ilisu Dam
- Released water to Syria NOT Iraq
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Israel, Syria & Palestinian territory
- Consumes 500 billion litres more than receives naturally - unsustainable consumption
- Population increase of 1.5% annually
- Internal competition for water resources
- Israel has control over 80% of aquifers
- Palestine has control over 8% of aquifers
Geopolitical tensions
- 1953 US Special Envoy dictated water shares - Israel largest shares & Lebanon Syria smallest shares depite providing the most water
- Shifting territorial borders - hard to supply whole population
- 2050 11 million Israelis will be living in desert conditions - daily water needs need to be met
- Israel & Palestine blame each other for water mismanagement
Is conflict inevitable? YES
- Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon & Jordan suffered conflict since 1948 - some received greater shares in 1953
- Diplomacy & hydropolitics unlikely to work as Syria & Israel already do not get on
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Securing water pathways
Syria Al-Thawra Dam 1974
- Iran-Iraq war disputes over territorial Shatt Al Arab waterway
- Reduced flow of Euphrates to Iraq by 25%
Manavgat Project 2004-5
- 50 million m3 shipped from Turkey each year
- Turkey & Israel - in return for high tech military support
- Syria forced to cut off water from Jordan in order to secure own supplies
Desalinsation Master Plan
- Red Sea & Mediterranean
- Sea water will provide Israel with 25% water by 2020
- Import water-rich foods
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Colorado River
Colorado Compact 1922 - Law of the river
- 7 states between USA & Mexico
- 11 major dams supply 4,000mW HEP to 30 million people
- Calfornia largest proportion because large population & political power
- Farmers - 80% allocation for 810,000 hectares of agricultural land irrigation
- Mexicans - delta reduced water & sediment 90% extracted before reaching Mexico
- US Federal government - line Imperial Valley with concrete (water conservation project) but any change will affect supplies in Mexico
- Indigenous groups - Native Americans disputes with federal government since 1880
- Environmentalists & recreationalists - development of lakes heavy use of Lake Powell threatening lakeshore areas
- City dwellers - SW states urbanisation - California forcing Imperial Valley farmers to supply Los Angeles & San Diego
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Consequences for Colorado
- Flood & sediment control
- Domestic water supply
- Water loss from evaporation & seepage
- Groundwater overdraft
- Salinisation as a result of irrigation
Big Thompson Project 1959
- Farmers VS developers
- Farmers argue water rights but water wasted from irrigation
- Cucupa fishermen in Mexico forced to leave 90% extracted before reaching Mexico
Conflict Inevitable? NO
- Dams created issues
- No real underlying tension
- Drug smuggling more of an issue
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Aral Sea
- Former Soviet Union diverted Amu & Syr Darya rivers
- Chemical fertilisers & pesticides DDT
- Fields used to grow water-intensive crops - main source of income for Kazakhstan
- 4.5 million hectares 1960 to 7 million hectares 1980 due to rapid irrigation development
- High temperatures = high evporation rates
- Covers 10% of former surface area
- Receives 10 times less water
- Economic - 60,000 fishermen lost livelihoods (live below poverty line, salinisation, migrate to seek employment elsewhere)
- Social - cancers, TB & malnutrition - drink salty water kidney failure - dust from exposed ground respiratory disorders.
- Environmental - destruction of ecosystems & salt water insursion farming increases pollution
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Management of Aral Sea
Kok-Aral Dam 2005
- World Bank & Kazakhstan government
- Syrn Darya prevetned from reaching futher south
- Sea level rose from 30-38m by 2006
- Fish stocks recovered
- Uzbekistan had no say but unlikely to reduce use of Amu Darya as most income from cotton exports
- International Fund for saving the Aral Sea
- 14-20% forest cover
- Influence hydrological cycle - more channel flow as well as more infilitration, trnaspiration & precipitation.
- Imporve both North AND South
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The Nile
World's longest river
- 10 countries providing 360 million people with water
- Covers 10% Africa's land mass
- Relatively low flow (compared to Amazon & Congo)
- Lower course (Egypt) soil degradation & Aswan Dam mega project
- 94% used by Egypt & Sudan BUT 85% originates in Eritrea & Ethiopia
Issues& Hydropolitics
- Rising population in Eypt & Ethiopia
- Climate change Sahel & general patterns of rainfall & less evapotranspiration
- Source - immediate flooding - White Nile Storage
- No government in East DRC, South Sudan & CAR civil war - no management
- Nile Basin Initiative - water war averted
- UN Helsinki rules 1996 regulated how transboundary rivers & groundwater should be managed
- Negotiated with World Bank & bi-lateral aid donors 10/11 countries equal use - large community involvement
Conflict Inevitable?
- Tensions present due to Egypt's dominance & treaties in 1929 & 1959 Nile Water Agreements
- Ethiopia dam building for HEP & industrial dev 1990s - Blue Nile - Eqgypt threatened war 1999
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Bolivia Privatisation of Water
Bolivia, Cochabamba
- 36% GDP spent servicing debt
- 1990s Bolivia required new development lonas from the World Bank
- Needed to comply with the World Bank's requirements - privatisatio of services including water
- 50% increases in protests between 1999-2000
- SEMAPA sold to French & US Aguas del Tunari - invested in buildingd dams Misicuni Project - Law 2029 gave Aguas del Tunari control over all water in Cochabamba
La Paz - privately run water supply
- Corporate efficiency
- 100& coverage - water pipes installed only in city but could not afford - 200,000 excluded since 2005 due to cost
- $450/ person for connection but average wages $17/ month
- Less than 20% population connected
Cochabamba - nationalised water supply
- Government inefficiency
- 45% coverage & available 2 hours a day 3 days a week - walk for safe water - dig own wells & collect from trucks
- Low rates therefore able to afford BUT government lack funding & infrastructure
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Water privatisation
Water is a human right
- World Bank
- UN Human rights council
- 60% Bolivians live below the poverty line
- Average earnings $100/ year
- Water rates rose in Cochabamba from $10 to $20 per month
Water is a commodity
- Limited areas have access
- Aguas del Tunari took on $30 million in debt
- Sanitation to residents
- Generate electricity
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Sahel Region Physical Water Scarcity
- Majority landlocked therefore lack precipitation - extreme poverty
- Population growth
- Global warming & climate change
- High pressure dominates - short rainy season - below average since 1970
- Poor agricultural management - overgrazing
- Lack of surface avilability
- Poor geology - no aquifers & lack money/ technology
Economic impacts
- Dehydrated & malnourished workforce - limited productivity - little economic growth
- Government investing in securing water supplies rather than education & healthcare
- Debt - moast of region reliant on aid
Social Impacts
- Drought & famine dominate - Niger famine 2004
- Locals forced to leave & become refugees elsewhere
- Sahel is always food insecure - constant threat
- Girls collect water - no education
Environmental Impacts
- Past 50 years Sahara moved 2-5km / year into Sahel - desertification & soil erosion - can't maintain vegetation
- Flash floods
- Drought - lower river levels - reduced availability
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China's Water Security
South-North Water Diversion Project
- Chinese government $62 billion
- 330,000 people displaced - relocated for expansion of Danjiangkou reservoir
- East & Central route completed
- West route complete 2050
- East - factories - pollution - water not fit to drink
- 2011 Han River & Danjiangkou so low - not sufficient water for drinking & crops
- Diversion of water from the Yangtze River Basin causing problems to worsen since 3 Gorges
3 Gorges Dam
- Ships able to navigate the rivers & reach the Chungong
- Job creation - increasing tourism along river
- Development of new towns & farms - protect farmland from flooding
- 10% electricity through HEP
- 150 towns & 4500 villages flooded - displacement of 1.3 million people
- Lake pollution - industrial waste
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