Weimar Germany (1918-23) - Early Threats to the Republic
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- Created by: Holly
- Created on: 09-05-15 14:32
The Problems of the Weimar Republic (1918-23)
- It had to accept the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
- The weaknesses of its Constitution.
- Leftwing revolts like the Spartacist Uprising, Berlin and Bavaria Revolts.
- Rightwing revolts like the Kapp Putsch and Munich Putsch.
- The French occupation of the Ruhr.
- Hyperinflation
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The Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Germany had to:
- accept war guilt for WW1
- pay £6.6 million in reparations (mainly to France)
- give up large amounts of its territory
- agree to the disarmament of its armed forces
- forbidden from uniting with Austria
- give up all of its overseas colonies
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German Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
- They were enraged when they saw the extremely harsh terms of the treaty
- They were not allowed to negotiate over the terms
- They felt the terms were humiliating and extremely unfair
- They felt they should not have to accept sole responsibility for the war
- Many Germans started calling for revenge in order to reverse the effects of the treaty
- Many Germans attacked the new Weimar democratic government for signing the treaty
- Many labelled the politicians who signed the treaty "November Criminals" who had "stabbed the army in the back"
- The treaty undermined the new democratic government, which led to the rise of the Nazi party and the Second World War
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Leftwing Attacks Against the Weimar Republic
Spartacist Uprising (1919)
- led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, the Spartacist League wanted a Communist Revolution in Germany
- the league renamed itself the German Communist Party
- 5th January 1919: the Spartacists seized government buildings and organised a general strike.
- the army quickly crushed the uprising and its leaders were shot
- Ebert did a great deal with the army. In return for them crushing the Spartacist Uprising, he promised not to create a new army
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Leftwing Attacks Against the Weimar Republic cont.
The Berlin and Bavaria Communist Revolts (1919)
- The new Weimar government faced further uprisings by Communists
- March 1919 - the Communists organised strikes in Berlin
- They were crushed by the Freikorps
- April 1919 - the German provinance of Bavaria declared itself an independent Communist Republic but again was crushed by the Freikorps
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Rightwing Attacks Against the Weimar Republic
The Kapp Putsch (1920)
- The Treaty of Versailles had restricted Germany's army to 100,000 men and many of the demobilised soldiers joined the Freikorps
- The Allies demanded that Ebert disband the Freikorps
- Wolfgang Kapp, leader of the Freikorps, marched into Berlin to seize power
- Ebert called upon the workers of Berlin to support the Weimar government
- The workers organised general strikes and the Kapp Putsch failed
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Rightwing Attacks Against the Weimar Republic cont
Munich Putsch (1923)
- Hitler and the Nazi party tried to seize power in the city of Munich to spark the overthrow of the Weimar government
- As the Nazis marched into the city centre, armed police and soldiers fired upon them in support of the Weimar government
- Hitler and other Nazi leaders were arrested and imprisoned
- Hitler used his trial to gain maximum publicity and portray himself as a national hero
- Whilst in prison he wrote his book 'Mein Kampf' which outlined his ideas
- He decided to seize power legally - by fighting and winning elections - rather than by trying another Putsch
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Economic Problems of the Weimar Republic
The Occupation of the Ruhr:
- 1922 - the German government announced it could no longer pay reparations
- The French invaded the Ruhr industrial region to get reparations by force
- The French took control of the Ruhr's factories, steelworks, mines and railways
- The Weimar government could not defend itself because the Treaty of Versailles had limited the size of its armed forces
- The French shot 132 Germans and expelled 150,000 Germans from the region for refusing to obey the orders of the French military
- As a result of the occuptation of the Ruhr and the resistance against it, industrial production in Germany ground to a halt
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Economic Problems of the Weimar Republic cont.
Hyperinflation (1923)
- To pay the reparations, Germany started printing money, but the more money it printed, the more worthless it became
- Prices rose which led to the demand for wages to rise, which led to more money being printed, which led to prices rising more
- The prices of goods always rose faster than wages
- Workers were seen carrying their wages home in wheelbarrows
- The rises in prices meant that incomes were too small to live on
- People struggled to buy food, clothes and heat their homes
- People with savings in banks now found that their savings were worthless
- People on fixed incomes, like pensioners, suffered the most
- Only people who had debts or had taken out loans benefited
- Hyperinflation increased the unpopularity of the Weimar government
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The Weimar Constitution
- The Weimar Constitution made Germany a democracy
- The President was to be elected by the people every 7 years
- The Chancellor had to have the support of a majority of the Reichstag
- All men and women over the age of 20 could vote for members of the Reichstag
- The voting system was based on proportional representation
- It made Germany a Federal Republic where each state had its own government
- It guranteed personal freedoms (e.g. freedom of speech and freedom of religion)
Weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution:
- The President had the power to appoint and dismiss the Chancellor
- Under Article 48, the President could suspend democracy and effectively become a dictator
- Proportional representation meant that no party ever had an overall majority in the Reichstag. This led to a series of weak coalition governments
- Proportional representation gave a voice in the Reichstag to small extremist parties like the Nazi Party
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