Why did Liverpool adopt a policy of repression 1812-1822? 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750ASWJEC Created by: ktommoCreated on: 16-05-17 12:37 Fear of Revolution Reason Liverpool had witnessed the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 Liverpool's Government feared a revolution situation may develop Cato Street conspiracy 1820 However There was no serious threat of a revolutionary situation in 1812-22 There was no active revolutionary group ready to take over There was no loss of nerve on the part of the ruiling elite The army remained loyal 1 of 5 Increasing Radical Activity Reason Spread of radical literature and ideas through the radical press Fear of the spread of radical and revolutionary ideas amongst the working class Radical activity, protests and riots throughout the period However Radical activity was not revolutionary In many cases the protests simply wanted to highlight their plight through marches and petitions Radicals were reformists rather than revolutionary Radicals were divided and did not constitute a coherent group 2 of 5 Not Concerned With Solving Causes Reason Government's main focus was maintaining law and order No professional police force, only use of spies, informers, agent provocateurs and army. This was to maintian law and order Government wanted to show the power of the state to deter protestors from radical or revolutionary ideas However The government mistook anger over poverty and living conditions for revolutionary activity The government acted accordingly considering the number, scope and complexity of promblems it faced The government had few law and order options available to it The government deployed the army effectively in troubled areas Use of agent provocateurs to disrupt movements, it was a preventative measure When the economy improved the Government did introduce some reforms Early 19th century governments didn't have the resources or organization to deal with hunger, poverty and unemployment 3 of 5 Maintain Status Quo Reason Protect the dominance of the aristocracy and the status quo Prevent any Parliamentary Reform Middle Class sided with the aristocracy against the working class However This was a wider strategy adopted by the Tory Party at the time and not just a repsonse to Post War Distress and Discontent Many of the measures taken by the government were temporary for the situation and not intended to be permanent changes to laws of the country 4 of 5 Following Example Set By Pitt Reason Liverpool had adopted a policy of repression that had worked for Pitt the Younger in the 1790s However Lack of originality Liverpool simply maintained many of Pitt's repressive policies at the end of the war e.g. Combination Acts 1799/1800 5 of 5
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