Labour lost the 1924 election due to 2 scandals
- The Campbell Case
- A Communist opposes the repression of strikers but urging troops not to support force against them and is sued by the attourney general. MacDonald throws out the case.
- Makes Labour look sympathetic to Communists.
- The Zinoviev Letter
- A forged letter, supposedly from a Russian Communist leader, Zinoviev, urging British Communists to support LAbour.
- Lead public to associate Labour party with Communims & causes a red scare within Britain.
These 2 scandals made the 1924 election focus on the red scare & the opposition focused on Labour being Communist.
- Trade treaties with USSR & Labour's Maifesto also became focal points of this campaign.
1934 election showed Labour would never be elected on a purely radical socialist programme.
- Red scare showed Communism would never appeal to the British public.
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