Functionalism- isn’t critical of the education system. It sees education as a tool by which society sorts out children so that the most able will take on the best jobs. It sees education as meritocratic in that it provides a ladder of opportunity for the best students to achieve well.
Marxism- views education as a source of social inequality and a tool of an unequal social system. The inequality in educational opportunity socialises people into accepting that some people have more access to power and wealth than others.
Feminsim- views the education system as oppressing women and suggest that it exists to socialise children into traditional gender patterns which perpetuate gender inequality.
Interactionism- looks at the relationship between teachers and pupils. Interested in how teachers label pupils as being successful and the impact that this labelling has on the self- identity and self- esteem of pupils.
Post- modernists- focus on what happens within schools. See teachers and pupils as ‘constructors’ of knowledge. This means that in schools’ realities are constructed for pupils and this is how values are passed on.
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