- The use of the Black and Tans in Ireland disturbed liberal minded voters.
- Unionists were angry by the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty by which 3/4 of Ireland left the Uk to form the Free State.
- Socialists were furious at his intervention against the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.
- His handling of the Chanak Crisis 1922 nearly brought Britain into a war with Turkey, which angered the voters who now saw him as a 'war monger' and as trying to hold onto powerthrough the old trick of fighting a war.
HOWEVER,He showed some success in Foreign Policy. He showed imagination in his handling of the Irish question.
He satisfied Ulster Unionists with the creation of Northern Ireland and moderate Nationalists by creating the virtually independent dominion of the Free State. He avoided a new naval race and resettled Europe and the Middle East after the Great War. Unfortunately, the voters were less impressed by this than by social reform at home.
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