Why do HICs produce more waste than LICs? 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyWasting resourcesGCSEEdexcel Created by: LinaCreated on: 08-04-14 19:00 Consumer society- Why do HICs have more waste than People in HICs have the ability to buy more products+ generate more waste People in LICs are poor and live without the means to buy consumer products Globally, 20% of the world's people who live in HICsconsume86% of the world's products The poorest20% only consume 1.3% of the world's products Ethiopia, which is a LIC only had 4 kg of waste generated/ person in 2002 UK, which is LIC had 590 kg of waste generated/ person in 2002 1 of 2 E-waste Nokia has previously said that 50% of mobile phone users change their phone every year The UN Environment Programme estimates that up to 50 million tonnes of e-waste is generated/ year\ More than half of these goods are still in good working order 2 of 2
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