His father went on pilgramage and died, leaving him the dukedom.
3 of his regents were murdered and Norman lords took too much power.
1047, first battle at Val-es-Dunes, fought with Henry I against his cousin Guy and rebels.
Alencon rebelled, hanging out hides to mock his mother Herleva's family and his illegitimcay.
William cut off thier hands and feet so neighbouring Domfort surrendered.
Geoffrey of Martel and Henry invaded Normandy in 1054, William beat them by dividing his men and stopping them from reaching supplies. 1057, invaded again but they were defeated.
1060, both Geoffrey and Henry died leaving William safe.
Philip I was a minor and ruled by the Count of Anjou, William's father in law.
1063, William invaded Maine and 1064, Brittany. Campainged a lot, but not on set battles.
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Invasion preparations
William promised rewards to the nobles and sent Lanfranc to the Pope.
Stressing Harold's perjury and oath, and Stigand's corruption of the church, the Pope sent a banner. Soldiers from Ponthieu and Flanders joined William.
He gathered men, food, fuel, war horses, food for men and horses and water.
This stopped the army pillaging his own countryside.
28th September, the army set off. He harboured in Hastings.
He tried to tempt Harold into battle by attacking his land in Wessex.
Harold marched 300km from York in 8 days, not letting his men plunder (unpopular, deserted.)
He spent 5 days in London then recklessly marched on without reinforcements.
Archers, Edwin and Morcar did not fight at Hastings.
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Hastings battle
The Saxons were spotted by scouts, so they could not attack by suprise.
Harold occupied the hight ground on Senlac Hill wiht 7-8k men.
He fought using a shield wall of thegns and housecarls and fyordmen at the back.
This would stop Norman cavalry. William had archers at the front, professional fighters behind and the cavalry at the back. William led from the front, not behind a shield wall.
9 o clock, the battle began. Shield wall protected the cavalry for several hours.
The Normans ran down the hill since William died/feigned attack.
Harold broke formations and the fjordmen charged, allowing the Norman knights to cut them down. Feigned retreats followed until Harold was killed by an arrow or 4 knights.
The English lost morale and Godwine earls Gyrth and Leofwine died fighting.
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Hastings assessment
William was prepared, with support from locals, Frenchmen and the Pope.
He planned his logistics and battle tactics (feigned retreat) and had experience.
He stayed in a defensive region and provoked Harold, stopping Harold's home advantage.
His troops were loyal and motivated to gain booty and land.
He had heavy cavalry and archers and commanded on horse, not foot.
Harold rushed to attack William, losing his preferred time and place for battle.
He could have raised a larger army but did not wait- many were already dead.
His housecarls were not as experienced as Norman mercenaries.
Untrained and undisciplined peasants broke the shield wall.
Harold lacked inspiration and did not stay on the hill's defensive position.
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