'A suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow!'
'Reflected splendidly both light and heat' 'oatcakes, clusters of legs of beef'/ 'horsepistols' 'squealing puppies'
'dark skinned gipsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman'
'beneficent fairy' 'owning your good fairy'
'pen-and-ink commentary covering every morsel of blank that the printer had left'
'I hated a good book'
'I pulled its wrist onto the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro 'till the blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes'
'rough as a saw-edge and hard as whinestone!'
'Take it as a gift from God, though its as dark as if it came from the devil'
'spitting at the stupid little thing'
'I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it might be gone on the morrow'
'A sullen, patient child, hardened perhaps, to ill treatment'
'He said precious little, and generally the truth'
'Heathcliff as a usurper' 'grew bitter with brooding'
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Wuthering Heights Key Quotes
'Cathy and her brother harassed me terribly, he was as uncomplaining as a lamb'
'the wearisomest, self-righteous pharisee that ever ransacked a bible'
'Once she made you cry... it seldom happened that she would not keep you company'
'The greatest punishment we could invent for her was keeping her seperate from him'
'no parson in the world ever pictured heaven as beautifully as they did'
'A splendid place, carpeted with crimson and with crimson covered chairs and tables and a pure white ceiling bordered with gold'
'a gipsy' 'a villain' 'a wicked boy'
'the vacant blue eyes of the Lintons'
'Edgar Linton shall look quite a doll beside you'
'I wish I had blonde hair and fair skin and was dressed and behaved as well'
'Your father was emperor of China, your mother an Indian Queen'
'She did turn out a haughty, headstrong creature... I did not like her' 'a double character'
'he wanted spirit in general'
'You might be dumb or a baby for all you say to amuse me'
'he possessed the power to leave as much as a cat possesses the power to leave a mouse half-killed or a bird half-eaten'
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'In my soul and in my heart, I've convinced I'm wrong'
'If I were in heaven, Nelly, I should be extremely miserable'
'It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff' 'he's more myself than I am' 'If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be' 'as different as a moonbeam from lightening or frost from fire'
'they'll meet the fate of Milo' 'split the tree off at the corner of the building'
'It was not the thorn bending to the honeysuckles, but the honeysuckles embracing the thorn'
'a deep voice, foreign in tone' 'dressed in dark clothes, with dark face and hair' 'tall, athletic, well-formed man'
'the kitchen as a more suitable place for him'
'Heathcliff and myself, being of lower orders'
'an unreclaimed creature, without refinement - without cultivation; an arid wilderness of furze and whinestone' 'he's a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man'
'Honest people don't hide their deeds'
'this lamb of yours threatens like a bull' 'a sucking leveret' 'milk-bloooded coward' 'shivering, slavering thing'
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Wuthering Heights Key Quotes
'I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own'
'Your veins are full of ice-water, but mine are boiling'
'he is continually among his books, since he has no other society'
'our fiery Catherine was no better than a wailing child'
'my misery arose from the seperation he had ordered between me and Heathcliff'
'the wife of a stranger, a exile, an outcast'
'Is Mr Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil?'
'How powerful I should be possessing such an instrument' 'covetous'
'His danger does not shock you'
'he swore it was not, nor ever should be, mine'
'no brutality disgusted her, I suppose she has an inane admiration of it'
'I've sometimes relented, from pure lack of invention, in my experiments on what she could endure' 'I keep strictly within the limits of the law'
'That is not my Heathcliff'
'Heaven would be a land of exile for her'
'While you are at peace, I shall writhe in the torments of hell'
'would you like to live with your soul in the grave'
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Wuthering Heights Key Quotes
'The murdered do haunt their murderers'
'I cannot live without my soul'
'He dashed his head against the knotted trunk'
'He's not a human being... I gave him my heart and he took it and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me'
'I experienced pleasure in being able to exasperate him'
'he tore off the sleeve of Earshaw's coat and bound it with brutal roughness'
'his basilisk eyes'
'She has disturbed me, day and night, through eighteen years'
'so certainly I felt that Cathy was there'
'I am within sight of my heaven'
'not Mr Heathcliff, but a goblin'
'where did he come from, the dark little thing?'
'is he a ghoul or a vampire?'
'You have lived a selfish, unchristian life'
'I have nearly attained my heaven, and that of others is altogether uncoveted and unvalued by me'
'That old man sitting by the kitchen fire swears he has seen the two on 'em'
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