The Treaty of Versailles- caused huge amounts of resentment and anger in Germany (Hitler)
The League of Nations- an organisation set up by the Allies to keep peace. However Germany wasn’t invited and no one obeyed the laws
The Great Depression (1929-33)- world economic crisis caused by the Wall Street Crash. Countries were more concerned about their wellbeing than relationships with other countries.
Hitler’s foreign policy aims- He wanted to increase size of Germany and planned to find this space in Austria, Czechoslovakia and RUSSIA
Appeasement- Neville Chamberlain (British PM) allowed Hitler to ‘get away’ with aggressive Foreign Policy in order to avoid conflict
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Short Term Causes of WW2
Invasion of Czechoslovakia- Hitler had invaded part of Czechoslovakia in 1938 but promised not to invade any more. He broke his promise and invaded in 1939
Nazi-Soviet Pact-Russia and Germany (Hitler and Stalin) this frightened Britain and France
Invasion of Poland and War- Germany invaded Poland. 1st September 1939, Hitler expects Britain and France to appease him, but they have had enough! They declare war on and unprepared Hitler.
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The Blitz
The Blitz started in September 1940
'Blitzkreig'- meaning 'lightening war'
Non stop bombing mainly centered around London but also other parts of England (Liverpool, Birmingham etc)
Many civilians lives where lost
Plane bombers attacked London
Plan was to reduce morale but propaganda and the bombing of Berlin
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