year 8 music
- Created by: emma hazell
- Created on: 21-05-13 17:11
folk music- music of the people
folk music is a traditional type of music prople used to perform on the dstreets with the whole commmunity dancing. this used to bring the whole community and people een brought their babies and pets! the performers didn't write down the music, they just made it up as they went alongthey did this because it was easier to play it again than to change the music iif they did it wrong.
compound time and dotted crotchets
in compound time
- the beat falls in multiples of 3
- the natural accent falls in multiples of 2 or 3
an example is 6/8 where it is 6 quaver beats in bar rather than crotchet beats which is simple time eg. 3/4.
dotted crotchets
a dotted crotchet is a crotchet with half of the value added on again so insead of being 1 beat it is 1.5 beats. you remember this by saying rome.
quaver crotchet and 3 quavers
quaver crotchet
the way to remember quaver crotchet is saying london. the first syllable is long and the second it short just like a quaver and a crotchet.
3 quavers
the way to remember this is to say italy. it hs 3 syllables which are all short and even like quavers.
an interval is the distance between two notes. intervals are measured in 2nds, 3rds, 4thd, 5ths, 6ths and 7ths. ane example of each of these in the order i just did is....
- where is love
- while shepards
- we wish you a merry christmas
- dear lord and father
- my bonnie
- somewhere over the rainbow.
the planets
one piece in the planets by gustalf holst is called mars. it is different because it has an odd time signature, 5/4
major scales
a major scale sounds happy. the pattern is ttsttts. the t means tone and the s means semitone.
minor scales
a minor scale is a scale that sounds sad or egyption. a minor scale has a sharpened 7th note.
chromtic scale
a chromatic scale is a scale going up in semitones
pentatonic scales
scale of 5 notes. sounds chinese or scottish
tones and semitones
a semitone is the distance between 2 adjacent notes. this is half of a tone or the distance between a white and black note.
a tone is the difference between notes. it is the distace between most white notes on the piano.
ties, sharps and flats
a tie is when two notes which are the same pitch are joined together so you only play the note once.
a sharp is when a note has been taken up by a semitone. eg. if i started with f and i increased it by a semitone it would be f sharp.
a flat is when the pitch of a note has been taken down by a semitone. eg. if i had b and took it down a semitone it would be b flat.
bach was a composer born in eisnach, germany. by the age of 15 bach had already mastered the violin and the organ. bach had more than one wife. his first was called maria barbera. bach wrote a book for beginner harpsicord players but particulary for one of his other wives, anna magdelena. he called it the anna magdelena notebook. bachs air he wote was the air on g string.
handel was bon in halle, germany. handels father died in 1703. although handel was born in germany, he moved to italy for three years. handel wrote a very famous oratorio called the messiah. two songs i know from his oratoro are 'and the glory of the lord' and 'o thou thou that tellest.'
orchestral families
the 4 main woodwind instruents are flute, clarenet, oboe and bassoon.
the main brass insruments are trumpet, horn, trombone and tuba
cymbals and drums
violin, viola, cello and double bass
characteristics of a piece
vivace- fast
maestos- majestic
largo- slow
baroque- period which bach and handel were from. it is majestic and ornamentd with trills.
the blues is a type of jazz that uses the blues scale. the blues scale uses the notes, c e flat f f sharp g b flat c
the blues oiginated in new orleans in 20c. it uses syncopated rhythms and the blues scale.
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