'We are the architects, we are the designers.' - Inclusive pronoun 'we' used. Positive statement turning usual negative associations to dyslexia into positives.
'No compassion, no understanding, no humanity.' - Rule of 3 emphasises how dyslexia was seen in the past and how the school system was.
'idea of being kind and thoughtful and listening to problems.'- another rule of 3 used- contrasts with previous rule of 3 and shows what it should've been like.
'I thought I'd put a good idea. I was just being creative.' - Short sentence to suggest Zephaniah's shock at teacher's harsh response.
'''local savages''' - Direct speech shows reality behind anecdote. Zeph vividly remembers exact words suggesting how it affected him.
'black man...family fell apart, in trouble with the police...unable to read or write, with no qualifications and, on top of all that, dyslexic.' - Shows the reader what he has overcome. Excessive listing used. gives hope to reader that even someone with such challenges had overcome the stereotypes and achieved success.
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