'no compassion, no understanding, no humanity' - Rule of 3 emphasises how dyslexia was seen in the past.
'idea of being kinda nd thoughtful and listening to problems' - another rule of 3, contrasting with the other one showing how things should've been.
'the past is a different kind of country' - metaphor to show how that type of kind approach was almost foreign.
'I was just being creative' - Short sentence to suggests Zephaniah's shock and dissappointment at the teacher's harsh response.
'local savages' - racism. Reported speech shows reality behind the anecdote. He remembers the exact words vividly, suggesting how they affected him.
'black man...family fell apart, in trouble with the police...unable to read or write, with no qualifications and, on top of that, dyslexic.' -Shows what he has overcome. Extensive listing used to give hope to the reader that no matter what, it can be overcome.
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