1. Education in schools meant learning Nazi propaganda. Most teachers joined the Nazi Teachers' Association and were trained in Nazi methods. Children had to report teachers who did not use them.
2. Subjects were rewritten to fit in with Nazi ideas. Children were taught to be anti-Semitic (prejudiced against Jews) - for example, Biology courses stated that Jews were biologically inferior to 'Aryans'. History courses explained that WWI was lost because of Jews and communists.
3. PE became more important for boys to prepare them for joining the army. They sometimes even played games with live ammunition.
4. In universities, students burned anti-Nazi and Jewish books, and Jewish lecturers were sacked. Jewish teachers were also dismissed from public schools.
German children were always being bombarded with Nazi propaganda. Erika Mann, a German who opposed the Nazis, described Nazi education in Germany. 'Every child says 'Heil Hitler!' from 50 50 to 150 times a day...[it] is required by law; if you meet a friend on the way to school, you say it; study periods are opened and closed with [it]...[The Nazis'] supremacy over the German child is...complete'.
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