Children and young people - generation loyal/strengthen racial purity/boys soliders/women home
Education (+) Curricula changed to Nazi ideology, teachers retrained. (-) Varied between schools/National Socialist Teachers League/established for Nazi elites but not popular w/ leaders/youth not barabarised/standards dropped/reversal of Uni policies
Hitler Youth (+) Popular underpriviliged/adventure/anti-intellectual nature/many believed through persecution Jews+Marxists could improve job opportunities/level of Prop w/ execution Russian prisoners/Propaganda races e.g. Slavs and Jews racially inferior worked (-) Some not changed by time in Hitler Youth/Compulsory = less popular/Gestapo special CC for rebellious youth/military drill boring/alternative groups - Edelweiss Pirates + Swing Youth
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Why promoted German League of Maidens
Female component til 18
Increase support amongst girls for Hitler and regime
Distinct difference in role of boys and girls
Girls taught to be homemakers - economic skills e.g. cooking and needlework
Taught to have as many racially pure children as possible
Bodies kept pure not drinking alcohol/smoking and healthy diet
Emphasis on exercise w/ concept of Volksgemeinschaft of class + regional divisions broken down
Some success
Not all supported anti-feminist and sexist aspects indoctrination
Some were members of Swing Youth and Edelweiss Pirates
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Why promoted membership youth groups 33+
Controlled youth = controlling future
Hitler Youth could indoctrinate children in principles National Socialism, particularly racial ideology
Enabled monitoring of young people and their parents views too. Cases of children informing on parents
Prepared boys and girls for future roles
Helped create Volksgemeinschaft - erode class and regional divisions/counteracted perceived harmful influences church/parents/other organisations - harmful political influences Socialism and Communism removed
Allowed people to enjoy themselves in country, particularly poor, wc
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