Gender and issues of ethnicity:
Safia Mirza- identified a number of girl cultures in response to teachers who, in her view, displayed varying forms of racist behaviour. Although, the girls were resentful, they developed an anti- school attitudes that resisted racism through success and striving for high attainment.
Mac an Ghaill- claimed that as girls have gained status in schools, and are now the gender achieving the most educational success, boys have experienced a crisis of masculinity. They are unsure what male identity is or should be as traditional male jobs have disappeared.
Shain- studied Asian girl groups and discovered that there were various subcultural responses within the school. She identified subcultures that rebelled against racism, either by becoming anti- school or surviving by ignoring racism by conforming. Another group was pro- school and rebelled against the strict Asian cultures of their parents by succeeding and aiming for careers.
Carolyn Jackson- identified a group she called 'laddettes'. These were white working class girls who were adopting masculine behaviours and norms, such as disruption, rudeness, swearing, etc. However, this behaviour isn't linked to school failure as many successful boys and girls subscribe to anti- school subcultures in school. They cope by working hard at home to mess in school
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