10-14 years old
Deutsches Jungvolk - DJ
German Young People
14-18 years old
Hitler Jugend - HJ
Hitler Youth
10-14 years old
Jungmadelbund - JM
League of Young Girls
14-18 years old
Bund Deutscher Madel - BDM
League of German Girls
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Hitler Youth Groups Facts
You experienced outdoor activities such as hiking and camping.
You had to swear an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer.
At 14, girls joined the League of German Girls (BDM).
By 1932 there were 108,000 members of the Hitler Youth.
The Hitler Youth Law was passed in 1936 and stated that all youths should belong to the Hitler Youth.
Joining became compulsory in 1939.
By 1939, there were 7.3 million members of The Hitler Youth.
The aim of BDM was to prepare girls for motherhood.
Emphasis in the HJ and BDM was placed upon physical fitness, group activities and obedience to the Nazi party.
The aim of the HJ was to prepare boys for military service and to be strong, future leaders of Germany.
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How did Young People React to the Hitler Youth
Many young people liked the feeling of importance.
Lots of youths resented the fact their old youth groups were banned.
Alternative youth groups ambushed the Hitler Youth patrols and beat them up.
Some girls resented the fact they were 'trained' to be housewives and mothers at such a young age.
Lots of youths wanted to listen to Jazz, tryout new fashions and hairstyles, smoke and drink alcohol. All these activities were banned in the Hitler Youth.
Alternative youth groups appeared across Germany, e.g. The Edelweiss Pirates, The Navajos Gang etc.
Many youths disliked the strict regimentation - being told what to do and when to do it.
Many young people enjoyed the excitement of Hitler Youth, e.g. camping, hiking, weapons training etc.
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Popular Features of the Hitler Youth
Sharp new uniforms.
Free badges.
Free gifts for joining.
A chance to socialise.
Enjoyed the war games.
Camping trips were fun.
Activities like mountain climbing.
Shooting practice was also a pull factor.
Sport and fitness enjoyable.
Aerobic classes were fun.
Cookery classes did appeal to many young girls.
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Unpopular Features of the Hitler Youth
Attendence was compulsory from 1939 when war broke out.
It was annoying for those members who had other activities to do.
Too much stress on creating soldiers from a young age.
Daily 12 mile marches were exhausting.
Only 25% of boys had joined freely before 1939.
Too much stress placed on creating good mothers from a young age.
Some poked fun at BDM often calling it 'the League of German Milk Cows'.
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