Yr 8 History revision Gunpowder plot Causes and events of Civil War Aftermath of war and Cromwell Restoration Fire and Plague 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryAll Levels Created by: Melanie TewCreated on: 15-03-10 15:48 Gunpowder Plot it was on 5th November 1605 and was a plot carried out by English Catholics to kill James I the plan was the idea of Robert Catesby, a catholic they were going to blow up the house of parliament when James was going to give a speech they rented a celler that went under the House of Lords they elected Guy Fawkes to set off the powder at 7o'clock on 4 November a letter was given to Lord Monteagle by a man in the street which was telling him not to go to the opening of parliament the letter was written by Francis Treshman. He told Cecil the Chief Minister who told the king. 1 of 2 Gunpowder Plot on 4th November the celler was search but nothing was found except wood and coal they searched again that evening and they found the gunpowder they errested someone called John Johnson who admitted that he was Guy Fawkes He confessed about the plot on 8th November all the people in the plot were all found and found guilty of treason some were shot dead like Catesby and Percy, others were executed. 2 of 2