Monogamy: each individual mates with only one member of the opposite sex, either for a season or for their lifetime. It is most common in birds. E.g., albatross
Polygamy: each individual mates with multiple members of the opposite sex. E.g., birds of paradise, lions
Polyandry: one female mates with multiple males. E.g., Manta Rays
Polygyny: one male mates with multiple females. E.g., Birds of Paradise
Oviparity: the animal lays eggs. All birds, and most fish, amphibians and reptiles. E.g., Green Sea Turtle
Ovoviviparity: The animal has eggs which hatch inside the body. No umbilical cord or placenta. Develops using egg yolk for sustenance. E.g., boa constrictor
Viviparity: live-birth. Develops using nutrients from the parent’s blood. Parent retains the egg. E.g., tiger, grevy’s zebra
Parental Care: care given to young by the parent
Altricial: the animal is born/hatched early in development. E.g., hornbills.
Precocial: the animal is born/hatched at a developed stage. E.g., ducklings, giraffe
Eusocial: the animal has a colony which has 1 queen that is fertile. E.g., honey bees, naked mole rats. Naked mole rats have a latrine that keeps other females from coming into oestrus.
Parthenogenesis: a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilisation by sperm.
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